10 Troubles

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Two months have passed since Adam came back into our lives. He spent every spare minute he had in our house to spend as much time as possible with Aiden. Although he spent so much time in my house, I still tried to keep my distance. I mean, nobody could blame me for still being skeptical and insecure around him. It was very difficult for me to see Adam so often because I didn't want to get my heart broken again. The more time the three of us spent together, the stronger the old, deeply buried feelings returned. But I did not want to fall in love with him again. Okay to be honest that was a complete lie. I was already head over heels in love with him again, in fact I never really stopped loving him. And I tried to stop, I tried so hard, but as much as I hated him for what he did, there was always this little part of me that couldn't let him go.

Having him around me all the time now did not help my case at all. It seemed that the more I tried to suppress my feelings the stronger they became. I loved how Adam treated Aiden and I was really grateful for that. Adam tried very hard to make up for what he had done. It was obvious that his guilty feelings were causing him a lot of discomfort. He apologized to me countless times and I wanted to believe him. But there was always that little voice in my head that made me doubt how serious he really was. However, I had no doubts about Adam's desire to be a part of Aiden's life though.

Adam still showered both Aiden and me with gifts every time he visited us. I told him several times that this was not necessary, but he did not let me stop him. Aiden's closet and his toy boxes looked after a short time like a WWE merchandise store. Adam felt that he missed out on so much and that I should not take away his joy of spoiling us. Yet the amount of stuff he brought with him was ridiculous. No baby in the world needed all this stuff. He would grow out of most of the clothes within a short period of time anyway.

Of course, not everything was just pure sunshine. The first time my parents came over and Adam was around, it didn't end well. When my father saw Adam, he lost no time. He went up to him and punched Adam right in the face. The whole thing happened so quickly and unexpectedly that I had no time to react. Afterwards, Adam insisted that it was completely okay and understandable that my father reacted that way. He felt that he deserved it.


I had just put the last of the sorted out clothes that didn't fit Aiden anymore into a box when I heard the front door open.

"Hey Y/N we are back. Can you help me, please?" I heard Adam call.

"Oh hey that was fast. Did you get everything?" I had asked Adam to go diaper shopping with Aiden. That way the baby got fresh air and I had time to sort through his closet.

"Yeah, it wasn't that complicated. Can you take Aiden so I can put the packs of diapers in the linen closet. Then I'll take the stroller into the garage," Adam said and handed me over the little one.

"Okay and thanks for doing this for me. Can I ask you another favor?" I asked somewhat hesitantly.

"Sure what do you need?" he replied.

"Could you take the box that's in the nursery to the garage and put it on the shelf? I would do it myself, but it's pretty heavy," I said.

"It's not a problem. Consider it done," Adam said.

And that's exactly what he did. While Adam was busy doing this, I fed Aiden. I was on my way to the nursery with Aiden to change his diaper when my parents arrived. Unannounced.

"Knock knock. Hello my little darling, how are you and how is my grandson?" my mother asked before she and dad were even in the room. Just then, Adam came back from the garage. Before anyone could even say anything, my father's expression changed and he began to rant.

"What the hell is that bastard doing here?" And boom, Adam had my dad's fist in his face.

 "Dad! What the hell are you doing? Have you gone completely crazy? We talked about this! And you promised me you'd pull yourself together." I was totally stunned. I'd never seen my dad like that before.

"Mom, can you please take Aiden to the nursery and change his diaper before you put him down for his nap? Thanks." She took him from my arms and did what I asked. I quickly went to the kitchen and got an ice pack from the freezer and put it on Adam's nose.

"Listen, Dad, I know you're upset. But you have no right to just punch people. If anybody gets to do that, it's me, okay? And then you do it in front of Aiden. Are you serious? When Mom gets back, I want you to go back home. That's enough for today. I'll call you tonight."

Thankfully, they did what I said. Judging by the expression on my mother's face, Dad could listen to quite a bit.

"Adam, I'm sorry..." That was as far as I got.

"Y/N it's okay. You don't have to apologize. I deserved that. Actually more than that. And I don't blame him for reacting that way. He is your father and wants to protect you. I probably would have done the same thing," Adam said while still holding the ice pack to his face.

And then there was the day when Adam offered to watch Aiden because I had a doctor's appointment. When I came home from that appointment the house was empty. No note, no message, no call. I tried to reach Adam for over an hour but without success. I was on the verge of a panic attack when the two boys returned home.

He had taken Aiden to meet his friends at the Performance Center without my knowledge. I was so angry. But it wasn't the fact that he took Aiden to the Performance Center. No, it was the fact that he didn't think it was necessary to ask my permission or at least inform me. All the trust issues I had with Adam were suddenly back. The fact that he even allowed the WWE media people to post a photo of him and Aiden with the caption "NeXT Champion" further fuelled my mama bear mode. Adam was just lucky that Aiden's face was not seen in the photo. Otherwise I probably would have ripped his head off.

The only thing that kept me from going completely mad was thinking about what was best for my son. Adam realized that he had made a mistake by not asking my permission first. He said later when we talked about my basic rules for being around Aiden that he had never seen me so infuriated.

And these were actually pretty much the only bumps in the road. After I had sorted out the situation with him, we got along really well. In some moments I even forgot what had happened between us. For Aiden's sake we both tried to be responsible parents.

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