25 Everything that matters

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After we spent the night in the hospital and the baby and I were examined by the doctors, we got the green light to leave the hospital. Now the three of us were on our way home where Aiden and BF/N were waiting for us. Adam drove while I was sitting in the back of the car with Alice.

There was not a peep from her during the whole trip. She slept peacefully, as you would expect from a newborn baby. I could hardly take my eyes off her. Such a beautiful little baby. It was incredible how much she resembled Aiden as a baby.

From time to time I looked in the rear view mirror and looked at Adam. He looked overjoyed despite his tiredness. Absolutely content and proud beyond all measure. Whenever our eyes met in the mirror, his smile became even wider. Even though that was hardly possible.

When Adam turned into our street, I saw the cars parked in front of our house from a distance. There were six or seven cars. I rolled my eyes. I should have expected that everyone wanted to see the baby.

"Adam, did you invite them?" I wanted to know.

"No. I just told them that you and the baby are fine and that if everything is all right, you will be released from the hospital this afternoon. Apparently they decided to just wait here for us," he replied.

"Oh, boy. All right, but they won't stay more than an hour. I'm still pretty exhausted and sore. Actually I wanted to spend a quiet evening alone with the three of you," I said tired.

"Yes, I wanted that too. I think if we explain it to them, they will understand. They're all just so excited to meet the new baby," Adam said.

"Okay, here we go. Will you take the baby carrier? I'll take the bag." I said as Adam parked the car in our driveway.

We got out of the car and made our way to the front door. Adam carried the baby carrier in one hand and held my hand with the other. I opened the door and was greeted by beaming faces. I immediately put a finger over my lips to keep them quiet.

We were immediately embraced and congratulated by everyone. Immediately afterwards, everyone devoted their attention to the baby. But I stopped them before anyone could take a look at Alice.

"Guys, everybody is going to take their turn to hold her, but the first one is Aiden. Come here, sweetheart," I said as I knelt down. Aiden scrambled until his grandfather put him on his feet. He came running to me and wrapped his little arms around my neck. I lifted him up carefully and cuddled him softly.

"Hello pumpkin. Are you ready to meet your sister?" I asked Aiden and he immediately nodded excitedly.

"See Sissy," he said and put his index finger in his mouth.

I carried him over to the couch and placed him in the corner. Adam put the baby carrier on the coffee table and carefully lifted the still sleeping Alice out. He came over and gently placed the baby in Aiden's lap but kept holding her.

"Aiden, this is your sister Alice." I told him with tears of joy in my eyes. Aiden looked down on the baby with fascination.

"Ally?" Aiden asked. A soft Awww was heard from everyone present. It seemed as if the little girl had just received her first nickname.

"Alice, but you can say Ally if you want," Adam told our son with a happy smile on his face.

"Love Sissy Ally," said Aiden and my heart was bursting with proudness and love.

Aiden still looked down at his little sister and then leaned forward to give her a kiss on the forehead. I looked at Adam and knew immediately that he too was melting away. So much cuteness was almost unbearable.

After a short silence my mother cleared her throat.

"May we finally know her full name? Adam wouldn't tell us over the phone." she asked, impatience clearly evident in her voice.

"Of course. Everyone, this is Alice Sofia Cole," Adam said proudly.

Everyone loved the name and now took turns holding the newest member of the family. When it was Roderick's turn, he had another question.

"I just realized you haven't told us what Aiden's middle name is, Adam," he said.

"Oh, well, you never asked. His full name is Aiden Alexander Cole," Adam replied laughing.

After about an hour I retreated to the bedroom with Alice to nurse her. In the meantime Adam said goodbye to our guests and gave Aiden his dinner. I was understandably completely exhausted. Adam brought me a sandwich and something to drink while I fed the baby. All I wanted to do now was crawl into my cozy, soft bed and cuddle up to Adam and sleep as long as the baby allowed.

When the little one was full, I went with her to the nursery to put on a fresh diaper and put her in her pyjamas. Afterwards we went back to the bedroom where Aiden and Adam sat on the bed together and watched TV. Adam had already put Aiden into his pyjamas as well.

"Here Daddy. You try your luck. Maybe she wants to be rocked to sleep by her daddy," I said to Adam with a tired smile as I handed him our daughter.

"Come here my angel. Baby you know... we make really beautiful babies. We should have more children," he said to me.

"Hold your horses, sir. This baby is not even 24 hours old and you're already planning the next one? I tell you something...if you're carrying the next one, we can talk about it." I winked at him and gave him a kiss afterwards.

"Now if you'll excuse me. I want to take a quick shower and then go to sleep as soon as possible. Because in about 2 or 3 hours your daughter will be hungry again," I said and briefly caressed his cheek with my hand.

As I was standing in the shower, I was once again thinking about what had happened in my life over the last few years. I was dumped on my wedding day, had a son on my own, Adam came back into my life and with him the love. Then his jealous, crazy ex-girlfriend almost killed me. Then the trial.

Meanwhile we raised our son together. Aiden learned how to crawl and then walk. He started to talk and brought us so much joy. Finally we got married and had another baby.

When you think about it, it was overwhelming what we were confronted with in our lives. But luckily in the end it only brought us closer together.

When I finished in the bathroom and went back to the bedroom, I saw what mattered more to me than anything else.

Adam, my gorgeous husband lay asleep on our bed with Alice on his chest while Aiden laid his head on Adam's shoulder. They all looked so peaceful in their sleep. I went over to the closet and pulled out an extra blanket and carefully spread it over my family. Then I slowly lay down on Adam's other side. I gently stroked Alice over the head before I let my hand rest on her back.

That was all I needed in life. My family.

"I love you," I whispered to Adam. He opened his eyes and turned his head to me.

"I love you more," he replied and kissed me.

No one could know what life had in store for us in the future. But in this moment I did not want to think about it. The present was much too beautiful for that.

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