11 Precious moments

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Today little Aiden is eight months old. I really wish I could slow down time. It all happened way too fast. Now he could even crawl. Aiden was crawling and babbling all day long. I spent most of my day filming him and taking pictures. He was so happy when he zoomed through the living room that I just couldn't help it. Everything else could wait, because this was much more important to me. You couldn't get these moments back. Time does not simply pass more slowly.

The little man had crawled around the living room for quite a while now, so I put him in his playpen. This way I could prepare our lunch in peace without having to worry that something could happen to Aiden. Since he was so active, it was certainly only a short matter of time when he would start walking. My cousin's daughter was only 10 months old when she started walking. I was hoping that Aiden would take a little more time with it. 

After the meal was ready, I put Aiden in his high chair to feed him. Once again it could not go fast enough for him. As if the poor child was starving. But I should rather not complain and be thankful that he was such an uncomplicated eater. In contrast to me. I was very picky.

When he had finished eating and I had cleaned his face, under loud protest, I took him to his nursery to put a fresh diaper on him.

I was about to put Aiden in his crib for a nap, but he was so cuddly today that he just wouldn't let go of my shirt. So I decided to lay down on the couch together with him. He was lying on my chest, his little face on my neck while he was sleeping peacefully. It did not take long until I fell asleep too.

Adam POV

After spending the morning training I finally had time to visit Y/N and Aiden. I missed them both as soon as the door closed behind me.

I was so happy that Y/N let me be a part of our son's life. Especially after all I had done. I still don't understand what got to me back then. How can someone be so stupid? 

Now I was once again standing in front of the door of my former home. A home that I missed so much. The home that I left because of a lie. How different things would be today if I had spoken to Y/N back then.

I knocked on the door, but even after several minutes there was no reaction. Weird, Y/N said they were at home this afternoon. After I knocked again and still nothing happened, I decided to check if the spare key was still in its old place. I was lucky. The key was where it had always been.

I unlocked the door, took off my shoes and went into the living room. There was my answer why nobody came to the door. Y/N and Aiden were both asleep on the couch. This sight melted my heart. Aiden was lying on Y/N's chest and holding on to her shirt while Y/N had her hand on his back. I quickly took out my phone and captured that moment. God I love these two with all I have.

I chose to let Y/N continue sleeping. Shortly after I took a couple of pictures, I heard the beeping of the dryer and decided to help Y/N by folding and putting away the laundry.

When I tucked the last sheets in the linen closet, a small box fell towards me. I was still able to catch it before it hit the floor, when the lid opened. The contents of this small box were overwhelming. The positive pregnancy test, the ultrasound photos, Aiden's name tag from the hospital and a pair of tiny little socks. At the bottom of the box was something else that finally brought tears to my eyes. Y/N engagement ring.

After I took a deep breath, I packed everything neatly back into the box and put it back in its place. I could not believe that she kept the ring. Because I expected her to just throw it away. It was another stab in my heart for which I had no one to blame but myself.

I went back to the living room and knelt down next to the couch and looked at the two people who were more important to me than anything else in the world. Again I thought about what I had lost and why. I could only hope that I would not lose them again. That we could at least be friends, even if it was not enough for me. It would never be enough just to be friends with the woman you loved more than anything else.

The silence became too much for me at that moment, so I leaned forward and gave Y/N a kiss on the forehead to wake her up. The smell of her perfume alone felt like home.

"Hey Y/N, wake up honey" I whispered while stroking her cheek.

Y/N pov

I was woke up by a gentle kiss on the forehead so I slowly opened my eyes and saw Adam kneeling on the floor next to the couch.

"Oh hey. How did you get in here? How long have you been there? I'm sorry but I fell asleep with the baby." I asked quietly so as not to disturb Aiden. Although it wasn't really necessary because this child always slept like a rock.

"I used the spare key after you did not come to the door. I hope that's okay. And I've been here for about an hour. To help you I folded and put away the laundry," Adam replied.

"Oh that's really nice of you and of course it's okay. You should have wake me up," I said as I slowly sat up while holding the baby. 

"Can you take him, please? I have to go to the bathroom," I asked him and pointed to Aiden.

"Sure. Come here little man," Adam said with a grin and took his still fast asleep son to sit on the couch with him.

"Thank you. Be right back," I said as I made my way to the bathroom. When I came back to the living room, I saw Adam dreamily looking down at the baby. It looked like he still couldn't believe that Aiden really existed.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I sat down with them on the couch.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I'm just thinking," he replied and looked deep into my eyes with his beautiful clear blue eyes.

"What are you thinking about? If you don't mind me asking," I wanted to know, but it took a moment to gather myself.

"About us," he replied and leaned closer to me. I felt his breath on my face and was intoxicated. I could not think clearly. Then it happened. He kissed me. I was so surprised that I could not react. When I did not kiss him back, Adam pulled away.

"Y/N, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have..." he said almost in panic.

"Shh... Don't be. It's okay." I said and put my hand to his face. This time it was me who kissed him. It felt like coming home after a long journey. It just felt good to give in to the pent-up feelings.

We kissed for a few more moments until Aiden suddenly squeaked loudly and scared us almost to death. We moved away from each other and looked at our baby and laughed. Aiden squeaked and babbled and kicked.

"Thanks for ruining the moment buddy," Adam said laughing to Aiden and kissed the baby on the forehead while I leaned my head against his shoulder.

Maybe we got a second chance at the full package after all. Maybe we were just meant for each other and Adam was only lost for a short time. Maybe there was a happy ending after all. We have to wait and see.

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