20 Secrets

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Several months have passed since Aiden's birthday. Five months to be exact. Our life went smoothly, everything was fine. Aiden was doing as well as it could be. He was healthy and happy. The little man loved to run around and he climbed on everything he could reach.

Lately his favorite pastime was playing with small race cars and trucks. He loved to do that with his Daddy and Uncle Kyle. Or maybe I should say Uncle Kyky, as Aiden called him. At the moment Kyle seemed to be his favorite, but I think that was mainly because Kyle always made him laugh. Aiden loved it when Kyle made funny faces and noises.

But whenever Bobby, Kyle and Roddy visited us at the same time, they all immediately got a car pushed into their hands and were dragged onto the floor to play with Aiden. Roderick (or Uncle Oddy) often said that he missed the time when Troy was so young. He felt the same way Bobby did. All three obviously enjoyed spending time with our little man.

Between me and Adam things went very well and maybe even better than ever before. Somehow everything that happened had made us stronger. It made us and our family more connected. Or so I thought.

But in the last few weeks I noticed that Adam's behavior was changing. He seemed tense and nervous. At first I thought he was just stressed at work. But little by little I noticed more and more things. Adam left the room to answer his phone or ended a conversation as soon as I entered the room.

Twice it happened that I woke up at night and he was no longer lying beside me. I asked him several times what was going on, but he just said it was nothing or that I was just imagining that something was going on.

Whenever I called him to ask him a question or discuss something, he was always short of words and ended the conversation as quickly as possible. I was confused and I was afraid. What was his secret? I was feeling pretty bad. This thing made me physically sick. I threw up more than once out of fear that something bad would happen again.

Today I finally had enough. I would confront Adam. I could not go on like this. I had to know what he was hiding from me. I took a look at the clock. He would be home any minute. Aiden spent the night with Adam's mother. That was probably a good thing, in case this conversation didn't go well. Just as that thought crossed my mind, the door opened.

"Hey," Adam said. Was that really all?

"Hey." I answered just as coldly.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"You tell me!" I replied.

"What do you mean?" Adam wanted to know.

"Do you really think I'm so stupid that you think I haven't noticed how weird you've been acting lately? I even asked you several times what was going on and still didn't get a decent answer from you. Listen Adam, if something happened or...or if you don't want this anymore...please tell me. I can't stand this uncertainty any longer. It's already starting to make me sick. So please tell me... what's going on?" I said in tears. 

Adam's facial expression changed suddenly. As if he had just realized what he had done. He came over to me, took my face in his hands and wiped away my tears with his thumbs.

"Please Y/N please do not cry. I promise you that nothing bad has happened. But I can't tell you what's going on yet. You know that I love you and our son more than anything. Please trust me Y/N. It will all make sense. I'm sorry I acted like an idiot. You'll find out tomorrow what's going on. I'll say it again, it's really no big deal. You have to trust me. I love you Y/N and I don't want to lose you again," he said with tears in his eyes before pressing his lips to mine.

I tried to trust him and yet I was afraid he would hurt me again. I couldn't go through that again.

Last shot to redemption [a Adam Cole story]Where stories live. Discover now