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About a week has passed since the attack on me. Today I was finally released from the hospital and could go home again. I had mixed feelings. On the one hand I was happy to finally go home, but on the other hand I felt a bit uncomfortable. I don't think anyone could blame me for that. I tried to think as little as possible about what happened the last time I entered my house. I still had the same nightmare over and over again every night.

The cops thankfully kept Britt in custody until the court trial began. After the police took my statement and searched her apartment, our lawyer said that she would go to jail for quite some time.

Apparently a lot of evidence and plans were found in her apartment. From her original plan to separate me and Adam and then slowly sneak back into his life, to her new plans. After she found out that Adam and I were in contact again and had a child, her plans darkened considerably.

Her new plans were to get both me and Aiden out of the way and then kidnap Adam to brainwash him. She had apparently planned everything down to the last detail. The police found several vials of various drugs and narcotics in Britt's apartment. She had also converted one room to be escape-proof and soundproof.

All this was more than just disturbing. For me as well as for Adam and our families. I was glad that Aiden was too young to understand it. He spent the week with my parents, but they came to visit every day. Adam also took a few weeks off due to the circumstances. I told him that this was not necessary, but he insisted that family always comes first. Secretly, I was also very grateful for that.

Adam had picked me up from the hospital and afterwards we drove to my parents to pick up Aiden. When we were on our way to my house, Adam explained that everything had been cleaned and repaired. He even had an alarm system installed. I knew he meant well, but I wasn't sure if it would help me deal with this incident.

Back home, Adam parked the car in the driveway. We both got out. I got Aiden out of his car seat while Adam took my bag out of the trunk. Together we went to the front door.

"Ready?" Adam asked me.

"Yeah, I think so." I said. Adam unlocked the front door and let me enter with Aiden in my arms. I was relieved that everything looked normal and nothing reminded me of what had happened here the week before. That calmed me down a little.

I put Aiden in his playpen and went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea.

"Would you like a cup of tea too, Adam?" I called into the living room.

"No thanks," he replied. After I had made the tea, I reached for a pen and a piece of paper.

"Hey, what are you doing?" he asked as he came into the kitchen.

"I have to write a shopping list. I need to buy groceries after I haven't been here for a week," I replied and began to write.

"That is not necessary. It's all done," he said proudly and with a broad grin on his face.

"What do you mean?" I wanted to know.

"Just open the fridge and the pantry." he grinned. I did what he said and was amazed. The refrigerator was full to the brim, so was the pantry.

"But...when did you?" I had no idea when he had done that. Adam was with me in the hospital most of the time.

"Oh I had a little help. BF/N wrote a list of what you normally buy and I asked my boys to get it all. The beverages are in the refrigerator in the garage. And everything that Aiden needs is taken care of as well," he told me.

"Thank you." I went to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close. I took a few deep breaths and his scent alone calmed me down immensely. I pulled back and gave him a kiss.

"I would do anything for my family," he said and stroked my back.

"Would you really do anything? Can I...can I ask you something?" I asked cautiously.

"Of course." he assured me.

"Could you spend the night here with us? I don't want to be alone at night here with Aiden. And I think... well, I think it would really help me." I wanted to know from Adam.

"I'd love nothing more. And to be honest, I wouldn't be comfortable leaving you alone anyway," he replied.

"Well...thanks...can I confess something? I miss falling asleep in your arms and waking up cuddled to you," I said and felt my cheeks turn red. This man and the things he did to me.

"You know what? I feel the same way," he smiled at me and his blue eyes flashed.

"So that's settled then. Now that we don't have to go shopping...maybe we should go to your place so you can pack a bag," I said to Adam.

"Well, to be perfectly honest. I already have my things in the car," he replied hesitantly. I started to laugh.

"Oh, of course you do. Adam Cole. Always prepared," I said and pulled him to me again.

Last shot to redemption [a Adam Cole story]Where stories live. Discover now