24 Addition to the family

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This second pregnancy seemed to pass much faster than the first. Probably it was because I now had a child of almost two years. Aiden was a real bundle of energy and wanted to explore the world. He loved to color and play with his building blocks. This was only topped by his love for cars and trucks. Whenever the TV was turned on and old matches from Adam or the other boys were playing, our little man would sit in front of the TV and cheer on his daddy and his uncles.

These months were filled with my and Adam's work, doctor's appointments, occupations for Aiden and the remodeling of the office/guest room into a nursery for our daughter.

The closer the due date came, the more nervous Adam seemed to get. He could hardly wait to finally hold his little princess in his arms. I understood exactly how he felt and I felt the same. And also all our friends and family were getting impatient.

Since Aiden was born two weeks earlier, everyone seemed to assume that our little girl would also be born earlier. Almost every hour someone checked to see if I was already in labor. I suspected that they had placed bets on the day of birth, but I was not sure. And to be honest I did not think much about it. I had enough other things on my mind.

Today, for example, my attention was focused on Aiden, because today was his second birthday. His guests had just arrived at our house and were gathering in the living room, while I went to Aiden's bedroom to wake up the birthday boy from his nap.

When I arrived there I saw that my little man was already sitting in his big-boy-bed (with safety rail) and playing with his teddy bear. I went over to him and he looked at me enthusiastically, because we had told him that he could unpack his presents after his nap.

I took Aiden by the hand and went with him into the living room. When we arrived there, the guests started singing Happy birthday. Adam came over to us and lifted Aiden into his arms. Just like on his first birthday, Aiden couldn't get enough of the attention around him. He pulled Kyle to him on the floor so he could help him with his many gifts.

The afternoon flew by. Aiden entertained his guests by showing each one of them all his new toys. He was so busy that he didn't even want to blow out the candles on his cake.

Adam was just wonderful and took care of everything so I had the opportunity to relax. I hadn't told anyone yet, but I had been having light contractions all day. Just like I had with Aiden.

Since it was a weekday most of the guests had said goodbye after a few hours and our parents had already left too. In the meantime only BF/N as well as Kyle, Bobby and Roddy with their wives were there.

We all sat in the living room and let the day fade away while we watched Aiden and Troy play. Adam and I sat together on the couch. He stroked my babybump the whole time and dreamily watched our son play without participating in the conversation of the others.

"Baby you can help me get up. I have to go to the bathroom," I said to Adam. He stood up and reached out his hands to pull me off the couch. But as soon as I stood, I felt a fluid running down my legs.

"Adam? My water has broken," I said.

"What? You mean... it's happening? Are you okay? Are you having contractions?" he asked, sounding slightly panicky.

"Take a deep breath, honey. No need to panic. I'll go and change and you can get the bag for the hospital. BF/N? Can you stay with Aiden? Then we don't have to take him to my parents' house," I said.

"Of course. Come with me I will help you" BF/N replied.

I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower while BF/N laid out fresh clothes for me. Again I had the feeling of déjà-vu. It was almost the same as with Aiden. At the time I wondered what this situation would be like with Adam by my side. Now I would get my answer.

When we came back into the living room Adam was already standing at the door with the bag in his hand and surrounded by the other guys.

"You can do this, Adam," Bobby said.

"Yes, pull yourself together. You are strong," Kyle added.

"Make us proud, buddy," Roddy said.

Unbelievable. I shook my head and cleared my throat.

"Hey! Is he the one having the baby or am I? Aiden? Come here, baby." I said, waving my son to me. Adam came to us and lifted Aiden up so I wouldn't have to.

"Aiden, BF/N is going to stay with you today, okay? Be a good boy. I love you," I said to him and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"Where going?" Aiden asked us.

"We are going to go and get your sister. When we get back you'll be a big brother," Adam told the little boy.

"Big brother for Sissy," Aiden said and nodded. Adam handed Aiden over to BF/N and after we said goodbye to the others, we made our way to the hospital.

After the other guys had encouraged him, Adam was surprisingly calm. Even when the doctor told us that this birth would probably be fast. I was just glad that at least this time there was time for an epidural.

We had been in the hospital for less than two hours when the doctor said it was time to push. After ten minutes it was done and the first screams of our little princess could be heard. They put her on my chest and I immediately realized that I was right in thinking that she would look like Adam just like Aiden.

I looked over at Adam and he didn't say a word. He just looked at the little girl as if he was mesmerized.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I should be asking you that. I just can't believe she's here already. It all happened so fast," he replied overwhelmed.

"I know." I replied exhausted when the nurse came to weigh, measure, wash and dress the little girl.

"I can't tell you how incredibly proud and grateful I am at this moment. I love you so much. I love our children and you more than anything," Adam said and kissed me as tears came to both of us once again.

A few minutes later, the nurse came over with the baby and gently put her in Adam's arms.

"My goodness. She is so tiny. Hello my little angel. I am your daddy. God, you are so beautiful." Adam cooed while cradled the little one in his arms.

"Do we have a name for the young lady?" asked the nurse.

"Yes. It is Alice Sofia Cole," I replied.

"Happy birthday Alice." Adam whispered to the baby.

"You know, we're going to have to listen to a lot of Aiden one day, because he has to share his birthday with his sister," I said laughing.

"Oh yeah, definitely." Adam said with a grin. "I know someone who is going to like that a lot though. Bobby won the bet among the guys. They made bets about her birthday." 

"Of course they did." I shook my head.

But none of this was important. What was important was that Alice was in this world and that she and I were okay.

I could hardly wait to go home and introduce Aiden to his little sister.

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