15 Too late?

309 21 22

Adam POV

I have never been so grateful that there was no traffic on the streets. Normally it took about 20 minutes from the gym to Y/N's house. Today it took me only 10 minutes because the streets were empty and I ignored the speed limit.

Those 10 minutes were the longest of my entire life. Throughout the entire trip I sent prayers to the sky and hoped that we would not be too late. I did not know what Britt was capable of in her delusion and I really did not want to find out.

I explain to the other three as best I could at the moment what had happened. They were shocked. We all didn't want to believe that this was happening. Everyone always believed that such things could never happen to you or your family.

When I turned around the corner into Y/N's street, there were already some police cars there. They stood a few houses away, probably so that they would not be noticed immediately. It seemed that they were discussing how they would proceed.

I stopped the car, jumped out and headed straight for Y/N's house, but one of the officers stopped me.

"Sir, you can't cross here. Did you call the police? Can you explain to me quickly what happened?" the cop asked.

"Yes, we called because my crazy ex-girlfriend attacked the mother of my child at home while I was talking to her on the phone. I could hear her screaming and glass breaking. Then my ex was suddenly on the phone and said that Y/N was unconscious and that she was going to get her out of the way," I explained hastily.

"You mentioned a child. Is the child in the house too?" he wanted to know.

"No, he is with his grandparents. Y/N just came from there," I replied and was again glad that Aiden was not at home. Who knows what else Britt had in mind.

"Okay. I'd like to ask you to let us do our job and wait until the situation is under control," he said sternly. And with that being said, he turned around and went to the other cops and quickly gave them the new information. Meanwhile the sirens of the ambulance could finally be heard.

Then everything happened very quickly. The officers approached the house, kicked down the door and entered the house. At that moment screams were heard that were clearly coming from Y/N. Please, please, please let her be okay. 

Suddenly two of the police officers led Britt out of the house in handcuffs. She had a sick but satisfied smile on her face. This smile was so psychopathic that it was sending cold shivers up and down my spine.

I had enough. I could not wait one minute longer. Fuck what the cop said. I had to see Y/N immediately. I ran past the cops into the house and I was glad they didn't stop me. Probably because from their perspective the situation was no longer dangerous.

The sight I saw was frightening. Y/N was lying on the floor in the hallway surrounded by glass shatters. A female police officer pressed a towel to her head, because Y/N had a heavily bleeding head wound. The blood was everywhere.

"I am her boyfriend. I'll take care of it" I said to the policewoman after kneeling on the floor next to Y/N and pushing the hands of the officer aside.

"I got you, baby. Everything is going to be okay. You hear me? I'm so sorry, baby. You're gonna be okay. I love you Y/N," I said to her. Even though her eyes were open, she didn't seem to really notice me. It took her a few seconds to look at me.

"A...dam. It...it hurts. Some...thing is not right. She in...ject...ed me some...thing. You..have...to...take care of Aiden. You have...to promise...me. I love you" she said slowly and slurred. Then she closed her eyes and went limp.

"Y/N!!! Come on, wake up. Don't leave me. I need you. We need you. Think about Aiden, Y/N. You have to fight," I yelled. At that moment the ambulance finally came in.

"She got injected with something," I said as I got up and walked aside to let the paramedics do their job. Then I saw that something was under Y/N's arm.

"What is that? There is something under her arm," I said to one of the paramedics. He looked at what I meant and pulled out a medical vial and a half-full syringe.

"It is a strong anesthetic. We need to intubate her immediately before she stops breathing and take her to the hospital as soon as possible. There we can give her an antidote. Hopefully it is not too late for that. We don't know how much she has been given," he said. "Please go outside now, Sir. If you want to help her, let us do our job."

I couldn't. I couldn't leave her alone. Suddenly I felt myself being taken out of the room. I looked up and saw that it was Bobby. He took my face in his hands and forced me to look at him.

"Adam, listen to me! She can do it. She is strong. You have to stay positive, okay? We're going to the hospital now," he said, but I wasn't listening to him. My eyes and all my thinking were focused on the stretcher that took Y/N to the ambulance.

I could not help but fear the worst.

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