12 Questions

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"Oh my God, you're so cute! Yes, you are. Look at you... carrot mash all over your face. We have to take a picture and send it to your daddy" and that's exactly what I did before I reached for a damp washcloth to clean up the little man's face, which of course led to a lot of whining from Aiden.

"It's ok. I'm already done. Now we are going to freshen you up so we can go for a walk. We can go see if your beloved ducks are at the lake." I said before I took him out of his high chair.

"Aiden can you say Mama?" I asked the little one when we went into the nursery. He looked at me with his big blue eyes and smiled.

"Maaa...ah." he squeaked.

"Well close enough. But don't you dare say Dada first," I said laughing and gave him a kiss on the temple.

This week Aiden and I were mostly alone, except for regular visits from my parents and BF/N. We also went baby swimming and had the time to visit some other friends.

Adam was out of town the whole week. It was TakeOver weekend, which meant he was pretty busy. With training, preparations for the show, photo shootings and fan meet ups. And I have to admit that I was very happy to have some time for myself. I had a lot of things on my mind to think about.

A part of me wanted to be with Adam again and give him a second chance. I wanted to have an intact happy family for our son. But I was not sure if I could trust him 100 percent. What would happen if someone told him something that was not true again? Would he abandon us again and run away like last time? I really tried not to let my fear control me and just to be happy, but of course that was easier said than done.

This is exactly what I said to Adam and amazingly, he accepted it without arguing with me. He accepted the fact that I needed more time and did not pressure me the slightest bit. I was very grateful for that. For me it was a good sign that he was serious about this.

Two days later Aiden and I were just about to leave for our daily walk when there was a knock at the door. With the baby in my arms I opened the door and the first thing I saw was a beautiful rather large bouquet of flowers in an iced vase that seemed to match the color of my living room perfectly.

"My goodness," I said, amazed.

"Surprise!" Adam said as he lowered the bouquet so we could see his face.

"Wow, Adam, what have you done now? This is huge! And what are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming back until tomorrow," I asked as I stepped aside so he could bring in the big bouquet.

"Yes, that was the plan, but I missed you guys. So I flew home right after the show last night," he replied and came to hug us.

"Oh okay. We were just about to go for a walk. Do you want to join us?" I asked him.

"Sure. I'll get the stroller if you want to," Adam said.

"That would be great. I have to get the diaper bag," I said and went to get it.

A little later we arrived at the park and made our usual way around the small lake so Aiden could watch the ducks. Somehow he found them fascinating.

"Y/N?" Adam suddenly asked.

"Hmm...yes?" I replied after turning my eyes away from Aiden.

"Would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow night?" he continued.

"Oh...I mean...I'd love to but we need a babysitter first and it's a bit last-minute" I said.

"You don't have to worry about that. I have already arranged a babysitter. I asked BF/N if she would look after Aiden if you would agree to go out with me," he told me with a beaming face.

"Oh you are so sly, aren't you? But in that case, yes Adam, I would love to go out with you," I said with a laugh.

"Thanks. And just so you know. BF/N said if I ever hurt you or Aiden in any way again, she would chase me down, rip my balls off and shove them down my throat. Her words not mine," he said with a slightly disturbed look on his face. He seemed to know exactly that she was serious.

I couldn't help laughing out loud, because I knew immediately that it was a promise that BF/N would keep.

Last shot to redemption [a Adam Cole story]Where stories live. Discover now