5 Meeting someone new

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The birth date of my baby boy came closer and closer. Even though I could hardly believe it, the last few months just passed in a flash. I spent most of my time reading books. What to expect during and after pregnancy and also some parenting guides. I liked being prepared for everything. In addition to reading, I watched dozens of YouTube videos. Labor and delivery stories or what the women put in their hospital bags. I felt relatively well prepared, but the thought of not having a partner by my side was quite scary.

My mother absolutely wanted to accompany me to the delivery room, but I strictly refused. I love my mother more than anything, but the last thing I needed during giving birth to my son was her nervous and chaotic energy. It would end with me having to calm her down. That would not be any support for me. Instead, BF/N would accompany me. Unlike my mother, she was the calmest and most balanced person I knew.

BF/N even took 3 weeks off before the calculated due date so that she could be with me. According to my doctor, the baby would come earlier than the due date, because I had been having light contractions for a week and the baby was already in the right position. The head was already putting pressure on the cervix. So it was only a question of patience and time.

Now it was only two weeks and I had been having slight pain in my lower abdomen all day. Nothing dramatic and also not regularly. Meanwhile it was already 8 pm and I was lying relaxed in bed when I had to pee for the hundredth time that day. So I put the book with baby names on my bedside table and rolled myself out of bed carefully. When I straightened up and wanted to start walking I felt a pain that was so strong that I couldn't breathe for a moment. Okay, calm down, I said to myself, this was only the first real contraction. No reason to panic. As fast as it came, it was gone again.

The doctor said that I should not go to the hospital until the contractions came regularly every 15 minutes or when my water broke. I tried to relax and continued my way to the bathroom. I did my business and went to the sink and washed my hands. When I turned around to reach for the towel I had another contraction. This time a little stronger. Before I had time to recover, I felt a warm liquid running down my legs. I had seen enough videos to know that my water had broken and that it was not a false alarm.

"BF/N!" I yelled and tried to stay as calm as possible. But it was not easy.

"What is the matter? Where are you?" I heard her ask from the bedroom.

"In the bathroom. I have contractions and my water has broken," I answered.

"Okay, stay calm. Go take a shower and get cleaned up. I'll bring you some clean clothes and put the hospital bag in the car. Then I' II call your parents and let them know the baby's coming." Like I said, the calmest person I know.

I took off my clothes and went into the shower. After I finished, I wrapped a towel around me and went back into the bedroom. There on the bed BF/N had prepared fresh clothes for me. I was about to slip into a pair of shoes when I had another contraction. After looking at the clock, I estimated that the last one was about 20 minutes ago. I took a deep breath in and slowly breathed out again until the pain was over. Then I went into the living room where BF/N was already waiting for me.

"How are you?" she asked and did not let me out of her sight. We made our way to the car.

"I'm still okay. It can only get worse. Contractions about 20 minutes apart. Let's not lose any time," I said. I wonder what this situation would be like with Adam. Would he be calm or would he panic completely? Oh man, that was definitely not the right moment to think about him. 

After we arrived at the hospital and filled out the paperwork, everything proceeded very quickly. I was examined and the doctor found that the cervix was already 7 centimeters dilated. The contractions came every two minutes and were incredibly strong. Since the birth had progressed so far, there was no more time for an epidural. When the doctor told me this, I started to panic.

"I can't do this, BF/N! What if something happens to me? I am not strong enough. I am not good enough. What if he doesn't like me? BF/N you have to promise me that if anything happens to me, you will take care of the baby, okay? Can you please do that for me?" I could hardly breathe.

"Listen Y/N, everything is going to be fine. You can do it! You are so strong and nothing will happen to you. The little man loves you and needs you. You've come so far, you can do the rest. And you will get the best reward there is. You can finally hold your son in your arms. So calm down and concentrate on your breathing. Everything will be fine," replied BF/N. 

Shortly afterwards the doctor came back to the room to check me again. Ten centimeters. Time to push.

After an hour of almost unbearable pain, a lot of screaming and a few swear words, I had finally made it. The baby's first cry echoed through the room and I was relieved that it was over. The little one was doing well. I was well.

They put my son on my chest and one look into his big blue eyes was enough to forget all the pain of the last hours.

Welcome to the world little Aiden. The one man in the world I really needed.

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