16 Waiting

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Adam POV

We have now been waiting for three hours in the waiting room of the emergency room. Three hours and we still didn't know about Y/N. I have never been so scared in my life. I know that I should think positive, but what happens if Y/N doesn't survive?

In the meantime Y/N's parents had also arrived at the hospital. I had asked one of the guys to call them, because I didn't see myself as being able to do that. The shock was still too deep. I first saw Y/N's mother when she entered the waiting room with Aiden in her arms. She immediately came over to us and Y/N's father followed her on her heels. As they stood in front of us, Aiden immediately reached out to me. I took my son in my arms and hugged him tightly against me.

As I sat there with Aiden in my arms and looked down on my little one, I could only catch glimpses of Bobby talking to Y/N's parents. He repeated what had happened and that we were still waiting for news about Y/N's condition.

After another hour a doctor finally came to the waiting room and looked for us.

"Family of Miss Y/N L/N?" asked the elderly doctor.

"Yes that's us!" Y/N's dad replied as we all got up and walked towards the doctor.

"Well it took a while, but Miss L/N is finally stable now. She had some serious breathing problems due to the high dose of anesthetics and her heartbeat was weak and irregular for a long time. She also lost a lot of blood through the head wound. We treated this wound and gave her a blood transfusion. This helped in addition to the antidote to reduce the overdose. She was very lucky, if she had been given the full dose of this anesthetic, she would have died within minutes. Fortunately, Miss L/N did not suffer any further injuries. Only a few bruises, nothing else. You can see her now if you like, but please just one person to start with. Miss L/N is very exhausted and we do not want to overwhelm her," the doctor told us and we all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Adam, I think you should go to her first. Tell her that we love her and that Aiden is fine. I think we should take the little one home now. This is no environment for a baby and he's going to get tired," Y/N's father said to me unexpectedly. I nodded and handed Aiden over to his grandmother after kissing him on the forehead.

"Okay and thank you. I'll call you later if that's okay," I said to her father.

"Yes please do that. We' ll see you guys tomorrow," and with that the three of them left.

"Follow me, please," the doctor said. But before I followed him, I first turned to my friends.

"Thanks for everything guys. I will stay with Y/N, so you can go home. If any of you talk to Hunter, please tell him how grateful I am for his understanding." I gave them each a quick hug and then followed the doctor.

We walked what felt like miles through several long hallways. Finally we arrived at Y/N's room.

"Please remember that she is very exhausted and should not get agitated if possible" the doctor warned me.

Y/N was lying in one of those awful hospital beds. The bedhead was slightly raised and around it were some machines. I recognized a heart monitor and a ventilator. Y/N was lying there with her eyes closed, the oxygen probe under her nose and an infusion in her arm. She looked so pale and had dark shadows under her eyes. I took a moment to just look at her. I watched her chest rise and fall with each breath. A feeling of relief flowed through me. Although it was disturbing to see her like that, I was very happy that she survived the incident relatively unscathed. This day could have ended very differently.

I grabbed a chair that was right next to the door and carried it over to the bed. Very carefully, so that I did not hit one of the machines, I sat down at Y/N's side and took her hand in mine. When she felt my touch she opened her eyes and looked at me tiredly.

"Hey..." Y/N said exhausted and squeezed my hand very lightly.

"I'm so glad you're okay! I'm so sorry, Y/N. This is all my fault" I said and could not stop tears running down my face.

"You couldn't have known that she would do something so crazy, Adam. Where is Aiden? Is he all right? And what happened to Britt?" she wanted to know.

"Shh...Calm down, please. Aiden's fine. Your parents just took him home again because he got tired. He's safe. They will come to visit you tomorrow and they asked me to tell you that they love you. And Britt was arrested. She can't hurt us anymore. But I'm sure the police will want to talk to you to take your statement. But there is still time for all that. Now you have to rest," I told her.

"Okay. I am so tired and my head hurts like hell. Can you stay with me?" Y/N asked me.

"I wouldn't leave you alone for anything in the world. I was so scared. I thought I had lost you again. The doctor said that it was very close," I replied as I gently stroked her arm.

"Yeah, I know. Can you lie down with me, please," Y/N asked as she carefully slid to the side and pulled the cables and tubes aside. I stood up and lay down carefully next to Y/N. She laid her head on my chest and took a deep breath of relief.

I took her in my arms and slowly stroked her back. Her breathing became more even and deeper. I was aware that she would fall asleep again immediately.

"I love you, Y/N." I whispered.

"Love you too," was the last thing I heard before she went into a deep sleep.

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