22 Finally

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After we stood there wrapped tightly in each others arms for a while, Adam broke away from me and led us back to the car.

"So where are we going now?" I asked as soon as we were back in the car.

"We're going to the place where we should have done this two years ago," he replied smiling. I shook my head and laughed. I still couldn't believe that this really happened. Just a few hours ago I was so afraid of how this day would end. Now I could hardly wait.

"Could we stop somewhere and get something to eat? I'm starving," I wanted to know from Adam.

"Really? Didn't you eat the breakfast I made for you?" he asked.

"No, I was too nervous to eat," I replied.

"Okay sure. What would you like?" he asked. I thought about it for a moment.

"Hmm...you know what? I'll just have a large chocolate milkshake." I grinned.

"All right, a large chocolate milkshake for the bride," he grinned, too.

After we got me a milkshake, we made our way to our wedding location. It was a charming hotel with a beautiful garden. When we chose this place, we both were immediately blown away. It just looked magical there.

When we finally arrived at the hotel we were already expected. My parents, Adam's mother with Aiden by the hand and BF/N were standing at the entrance and were beaming at us. Even my father, which surprised me a bit. But after the Britt incident, my father seemed to have come to terms with Adam being part of my life again. I knew, though he would never admit it, that he was glad that Aiden would have a father in his life.

We had got out of the car and handed the key to the valet when Aiden had already broken away from his grandmother and ran towards us.

"Hello my little pumpkin, did you miss us? Were you a good boy for Grandma?" I asked Aiden after I took him in my arms.

"Miss Mama, Dada," he said, snuggling up against my neck.

"Hello everyone. Is everything ready?" Adam asked into the group.

"Yes it's all ready. All you have to do is change. Adam, you said you wanted to take care of Aiden by yourself, right?" his mother asked.

"Yes that's right. The other guests should arrive shortly. So we should get ready. Come here my boy," Adam said and I handed him Aiden.

"See you soon," he said and gave me a kiss. But once again we were interrupted by Aiden. He just put his head between us.

"Okay you little jealous bean. Let's go," Adam said to Aiden and winked at me before he left.

"All right. You're coming with me Y/N." said BF/N, took my hand and dragged me with her.

The first thing I saw when I entered the hotel room was my dress. It was even more beautiful than I remembered. But suddenly I had doubts if it would fit me at all.

"Hello old friend," I said to my dress as I carefully stroked over the fabric.

"Okay, sit down so I can do your hair," BF/N said to me, but looked at me strangely.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked.

"I don't know. Something is different. I just don't know exactly what," she replied and still looked at me as if she wanted to solve a difficult math problem.

"I still can't believe that Adam organized all this. But now that I think about it... you helped him, right?" That would make sense. BF/N was the one who kept my dress.

Last shot to redemption [a Adam Cole story]Where stories live. Discover now