Chapter 14

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Three weeks later...

July 20th, 2019.

Hyde park.

2:30 p.m.

Anthony and Victoria's relationship had taken a turn for the better even though Anthony hasn't been able to make Victoria confess her feelings for him. Like Brenda advised, Anthony has been hard on Victoria. He enjoyed seeing her that way, knowing fully well what they both want - eachother.

The Hyde park isn't quite busy as it used to as there aren't lots of people there. As for the Johnsons, this is a wonderful opportunity for them to have fun without disturbing or being disturbed by other people.

Each of the Johnsons including Ben and Mary were having fun except Brenda and her mother who sat with her on a nearby bench.

Ever since her seizure at the bar, everyone had been taking good care of her and treating her like a cracked egg that was about to break. She didn't like that at 21, this is all she got. Yes, she liked that her sickness is bringing her parents together but what did she get from the sickness? restrictions. And she didn't like it. She couldn't complain either since she wouldn't like to ruin the happy moments each and everyone of them shared. She'd just let it slide and not think too much about it.

“You've sta-yed with me for too lo-ng Mummy. Go ha-ve fun too.” Brenda said.

“No, no, no. I'm actually fine staying here and watching him.” Victoria said.

“Him?” Brenda asked. “Do you mean Daddy?”

“Huh? No, no, no.” Victoria scoffed. “No, no, no, no,no. No. I mean...You know, I...”

“Wow! That's like 9 Nos. So te-ll me wh-at you meant mo-ther.” Brenda said, interested.

“I...I mean it's good to actually watch...huh, watch everyone. Yeah. Watching everyone have fun.” Victoria said.

“Mummy, What's my age ag-ain?”  Brenda asked.

“21, Why?”

“Ex-actly. I'm 21. So tr-eat me li-ke one.”

“What are you driving at?”

“I see you ta-ke glimp-ses of Daddy every-day.  Why don't you just tell us. We co-uld help you.” Brenda said.

“Glimpses? of Anthony?” Victoria scoffed. “No, not at all. And who is 'us'?”

“Don't lie to me no-w Mummy. I know you do. Mercy and I cou-ld he-lp you.” Brenda said.

“Oh! That would be great. Thank you.”

“I thought you sa-id you weren't ta-king glimpses.” Brenda said.

“I...actually...I...” Victoria sighed. “Brenda, I've really messed my family up.”

“Hold on. Is this re-ally you mummy? You're realizing th-at you've me-ssed th-ings up with Daddy and us?”

“I...Yes...Wait, No. I only messed things up with you guys but your Dad, No way. He brought it upon himself.”  Victoria said.

“So how did you me-ss th-ings with us ex-actly?” Brenda asked.

“I wasn't always there and you probably didn't feel a mother's love. At least now you do.”

“I don't.” Brenda said dryly.

“You don't?”

“No, not at all. You've al-ways been selfish and doing things for yourself mummy.” Brenda frowned.

“Oh Honey, I didn't know you felt like this. Only Mercy always lashed out.”

“Now, you know mum. We both don't like you only be-cause of your atti-tude. We just  chose different ways to go about it. Your atti-tude has cost me my men-tal sta-bility and very soon, my life. I'm sorry to say this but you fa-iled as a wife and a mo-ther.”

“Ex-wife.” Victoria said.

“As though I care. You know, You never really deserved Daddy. You knew the kind of job he was up with and you couldn't even make do with a com-promise. I used to see Da-ddy cry after your div-orce and felt pity for him. I didn't really under-stand every-thing then. But ana-lyzing things now, everything that ever happened is your fault.  I'm going to die be-cause of you and still, you didn't care to take care of me. You know where you be-long, in the beds of those your dir-ectors, since that's the only thing  you're good at.” Brenda said.

“Brenda. I...I'm...sorry.”

“See, you coul-dn't get the wo-rds out of your mouth. Your pr-ide and ego has got-ten into you. Turns out the on-ly peo-ple that care about you are your fans.” Brenda said.

“I didn't know you felt like this. I thought Mercy was always over the top when she lashed out at me. I'm really sorry.” Victoria said.

“Now, you kn-ow how I feel. If you rea-lly feel sorry, then tell it to Daddy, he is the most offen-ded.  And please, mean it. Your wo-rds al-ways feel empty. Remem-ber, you're not on the set.” Brenda said.

“I...” Victoria tried to say.

“Hey Brenda,” Anthony walked over to them. “We are going for a ride in a hot air balloon. Care to join? I promise it won't cause you any harm.”

“Sure Daddy.”

“Victoria, Do you...?” Anthony asked.

“No, no. I'm good.” Victoria said, fighting back tears as she looked away.

“Alright. Let's go Princess. You can't come to the park for nothing.” Anthony said.

Victoria watched her family as they rode in the hot air balloon and felt very sad as tears trickled down her face. She'd lost the love of her family.

After the ride, they decided to eat out at Mc Donald's. Victoria kept watching each and everyone of them but didn't eat. The rest of them were chatting, making jokes and laughing but Victoria couldn't laugh at the funniest of jokes that moment, She had to fix everything and doesn't know how she'd go about it.

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