Chapter 26

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October 15th, 2019

Mumbai international airport,

Mumbai, India.

The Johnsons were at the airport with Sanjay and his daughter - Arya. Arya and Mercy had made good friends during their time together in india. Most of the time, Mercy was with Arya, playing together, attending few parties and celebrations.

Brenda on the other hand, has always been with Anthony and never out of his sight. She sometimes got sick of it but there's nothing she could have done about the situation. Then, Sanjay started hanging out with Anthony during his free time and it was less boring. Sanjay would chat with Brenda sometimes and got accustomed to her sickness and understood her a bit. He would also tell stories about India and make jokes out of them. Anthony on the other hand, would smile as he watched his daughter laugh at these jokes. He knew they had no time left and this could be the last time he saw his daughter, so he took pictures of her.

According to Anthony's conditions, Brenda had been undergoing radiation therapy.  The doctors would use beams of gamma rays aimed at the tumor to kill the cells or shrink these tumors.

The radiation was effective but the doctors advised not to rely completely on the therapy and that they should make plans on doing surgery. Anthony and his family had a brief discussion after that and he still stood his ground  on his conditions.

Victoria on the other hand, has been looking out for her daughter and staying around her and Anthony from time to time. Sometimes, she doesn't feel comfortable with Anthony around so she leaves him with Brenda. Anthony has been seeing slight changes in her and the feelings he once had for her began to rekindle.

At the airport now, Sanjay and Arya waited and chatted with the Johnsons before it was time to board their flight.

“I'm going to miss you Mercy.” Arya said with teary eyes.

“You Indians are quick with emotions. Please don't make me cry too.” Mercy said.

“Okay, I won't cry.” Arya blinked tears out of her eyes.

“I'm going to miss you.” Mercy hugged her.

“We would keep up with eachother on social media okay?” Arya said.

“Yes, we will.” Mercy broke the hug.

“Please take care of your sister and update me.” Arya said.

“Yes. Thank you.” Mercy smiled.

Anthony and Sanjay smiled on seeing both their kids.

“They really had a good time together in India.” Sanjay said.

“Yes. And it is all thanks to you.” Anthony smiled.

“No, no, no.  Don't thank me. What are friends for?” Sanjay said.

“Why not? you've done a lot for all of us. Not everyone can do that. I really appreciate it.” Anthony smiled.

Victoria moved closer to them. “Yes, he is right. Not everyone can do that. So thank you.”

“No, no. It is fine. I appreciate that you're thankful.” Sanjay said.

“I'm sorry too.” Victoria said.

“For what?” Sanjay looked at Anthony.

“I was rude to you at some point.” Victoria said.

“No.” Sanjay shook his head.

“Yes, I was.” Victoria sighed. “Well, in case I've offended you in any way, please forgive me.”

“You didn't wrong me. All is good.” Sanjay said.

“I...” Victoria said.

“That's okay.” Anthony sighed. “Thank you Sanjay.”

“Don't embarrass me.” Sanjay said. “Come on give me one last hug.”

Anthony and Sanjay hugged just about the time that Mercy and Arya did but the men broke their hug  sooner.

“Okay then. Bye-bye.” Sanjay and Arya waved.

“Bye.” The Johnsons waved.

Brenda bowed her head and joined her hands together.

“Ahh! No.” Sanjay said.

“What?” Anthony asked.

“Don't do that.” Sanjay focused on Brenda.

Everyone turned to look at her.

“You stammer. That's fine but don't hide your voice because of people. Everyone have their flaws and yours is just because of the circumstances.” Sanjay said.

“Th-Th-Thank you.” Brenda nodded.

The Johnsons thanked him once more before they finally boarded their flight and left India.

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