Chapter 34

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November 10th, 2019.

Fifteen Hudson yards.

The Johnsons were in their penthouse, bored. It was a weekend and most shops, restaurants and event centers were closed so they had to stay home.

Anthony, like always, stood by the window and took in the beautiful city of New York. The tall buildings, the passing and honking of few cars, the band playing music down town, the chattering of women, the noise at a house party, Weddings in churches as well as few church services, all sounded like music to his ears.

Victoria and Mercy on the other hand were sitted in the living room  watching T.V. They'd been watching movie since 3 hours ago, giggling, drinking juice and eating popcorn whilst passing comments about the movie.

Brenda has been sleeping for more than 4 hours. Anthony was worried when she didn't wake up after the 2nd hour. He said it was unusual of her and maybe she died in her sleep. Victoria had argued with him that Brenda couldn't have possibly left them like that without saying goodbye.  Mercy just kept quiet and cried.

Anthony decided to call Dr. Parker who came over to the penthouse to check on her.

“She's still breathing.” He had said.

“Oh thank God.” Anthony sighed, joining his hands together at the bridge of his nose.

“See, you'd just be making stupid conclusions about my daughter.” Victoria had said.

“What happened to her?” Anthony asked.

“As you know her condition is critical, she would be undergoing some weird phases and I don't want you to worry or conclude that she's dead.” Dr. Parker chuckled.

“So what's this all about?” Mercy sniffed.

“She is sleeping in today.” Dr. Parker said.

“Sleeping in? Why would she want to sleep in?” Anthony asked.

“She didn't want to. It's not her doing. I want you to understand that.” Dr. Parker smiled. “It's part of the things she'd go through as a patient. She'd sleep excessively.”

“So you're saying it is the brain tumor?” Mercy asked.

“Yes.” Dr. Parker smiled. “But not to worry, she'd come around soon.”

“I hope so.” Victoria said.

“I'm still surprised though. Sometimes she'd sleep for 30 minutes, Sometimes an hour and now this, 2 hours!” Anthony said.

“2 hours shouldn't be surprising. Most normal people sleep for 2hours or more.” Dr. Parker smiled.

“I know but I'm saying that since the disease, she's been sleeping for 30 minutes. She doesn't sleep for long.” Anthony repeated.

“Like I said, all this is part of it. She could sleep less and she could sleep more. I want you to carry out  researches on the disease so new occurrences wouldn't be surprising to you.” Dr. Parker said.

“Alright thank you.”

“Once she comes around, please let me know.” Dr. Parker said before leaving.

Victoria and Mercy had taken things lightly after that. They felt that she was just sleeping but Anthony was more than worried as he has been standing by the window since Dr. Parker left and sometimes he'd pace around the room, or stay in front of Brenda's door and listen for any movement but he got disappointed everytime as the room was dead silent.

“What are you both watching?” A voice belonging to Brenda echoed around the room.

“Gemini man.” Mercy said.

“Oh. Will Smith? Let me see.” Brenda said.

Anthony dropped his folded arms as he heard her voice.

Victoria and Mercy turned around, alerted. They had forgotten that she slept in and they'd definitely forgotten that she used to stammer.

“You're awake?” Anthony asked.

“Yes Daddy. Why?” Brenda asked.

“You've been sleeping for five hours.” Mercy checked her time.

“I have? I just slept a few minutes ago.” Brenda said.

“You wish. You've been sleeping for - Hold on, she's not stammering.” Anthony said.

Brenda tapped her neck where her larynx was located. “I'm not?”

“No, you aren't.” Victoria cried. “My baby! She is finally back.”

“I still have the tumor, remember?” Brenda sighed. “I'm not back yet.”

“You will soon.” Anthony smiled. “Wait, let me call Dr. Parker.”

“He was here?” Brenda asked.


“How come I didn't know?” Brenda asked.

“You were asleep. Your father even thought you were dead. He gave us a fright.” Victoria said, drawing her into a tight hug.

“She was like the Sleeping beauty.” Mercy laughed.

“Hello doctor,” Anthony said into the phone. “She's awake.”

“C'mon. Do you want to listen to Dad and his phone calls? Let's continue the movie.” Brenda said.

“You didn't even watch the movie from the beginning.” Mercy said.

“I'd understand, don't worry.” Brenda said, slumping into the chair as her mother and sister came to sit by each of her sides.

“There's good news doctor!” Anthony yelled and the women turned to him.

“Keep it down!”

“Sorry.” Anthony said.

The women kept watching the movie while Anthony was busy on the phone.

He joined them minutes later with a  sad look on his face. Brenda was the first to notice.

“What's wrong Daddy?” She asked. “What did Dr. Parker say?”

“There's going to be a rough turn with this your disease now that we've gotten rid of this Speech problem.” Anthony said.

“We got rid of the speech problem, we can get rid of this too.” Victoria said.

“It's not as easy as you think. She might forget how things are done, she might even forget herself.” Anthony sighed.

“You mean, like amnesia?” Mercy asked.

“Yes.” Anthony rubbed his hands on his face.

“I'm going to be fine Daddy. Don't worry.” Brenda assured him.

“You can say that but you have no control over what the disease will do to you.” Anthony got up and returned to his position by the window.

Victoria hugged Brenda. “I won't let anything happen to you. If I'm going to stick my hand in your brain and get that thing out of your head, I will.”

“Mummy!” Brenda and Mercy exclaimed.

“What? I'm serious oh.”  Victoria sighed. “I just can't afford to lose you.”

Victoria and Mercy hugged Brenda as Anthony stood by the window watching them with teary eyes.

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