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! chapter three !

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! chapter three !

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"WE'LL BE EATING DOWN in the kitchen," Molly announced once all of the teens had began to bombard her with questions because they were hungry. Haven wasn't ashamed to admit that she had been the one pestering the older woman the most—she loved to eat. Suddenly, both Fred and George appeared out of thin air again, popping up next to their mother, who jumped, smacking the two of them on their chests. "Just because you're allowed to use magic now, does not mean you have to whip your wands out for everything!"

The boys walked away, snickering, and even Haven couldn't hide the grin on her face as she stepped into the dining room. The inside of the room was dark, the only light coming from a few dimly lit candles placed on the long table, that Haven could safely say would fit twenty people, at least.

"Harry and Haven Potter," a familiar voice greeted the second the twins stepped into the room. She immediately recognized it, and her face broke out into a radiant smile when Sirius' eyes glanced between them. The older man opened his arms, wide, and before Haven could register what she was doing, she'd already flung herself into the comfort of her godfather. She felt like crying in that moment, the reason unknown. She was enveloped in a hug with the two most important people in her life, and for a second, she felt completely and utterly safe. The spell was broken all too soon as both her and Harry pulled out of his embrace.

At the table a few minutes later, Haven sat next to Ginny, watching as Tonks transformed her nose to look like a pig's. The brunette laughed loudly from her seat at the table when the girl snorted obnoxiously.

"This is very, very peculiar," Arthur commented from the farther end of the table. Haven glanced up to see his gaze on her brother. "It seems that your hearing with the Ministry is to be before the entire Wizengamot."

"No pressure or anything," Haven cut in, kicking Harry's leg from under the table, earning herself an eye roll.

"I don't understand," he admitted. "What does the Ministry of Magic got against me?"

His question made the room fall silent, and the two Potter twins shared a confused glance when no one said anything in response. Haven could feel a few pairs of eyes on her, but she refused to turn her head and look at them as she continued to stare at Sirius quizzically.

"Show him," Moody commanded after a tense moment. "He'll find out soon enough."

Kingsley hesitantly handed Harry the paper from his lap, and Haven watched as her brother's jaw clenched in anger. Curiously, she leaned over the table to get a better look at what he was reading. Harry angled it so that she could actually see it, and Haven could feel her blood boil at the headline.


Haven fell back into her chair, dumbfounded. Even though she hadn't seen him with her own eyes, she knew Voldemort had to be back. Harry would never make such a foolish thing up like that. And the fact that the people who worked for the Ministry thought he did, well, it pissed her off, to say the least. She believed her brother—she always had. They owed each other that much. After all, what was their relationship if they didn't trust one another?

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