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! chapter twenty-two !

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! chapter twenty-two !

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"WELL IT'S ABOUT TIME!" Malory enthused, across from Haven. She shifted on her bed excitedly. Luna was fast asleep, her quiet snores filling the silence. It was later that night, probably around ten o'clock, and Haven was unable to drift off, her realization from before keeping her awake.

"What do you mean?" Haven asked, confused. She tucked her legs under her to get more comfortable.

"It was so obvious," Malory explained. "I mean, to Hermione and I at least. Possibly Luna as well. But that's normal considering we're your best friends. We knew you liked him. It was only a matter of time before you figured it out."

Haven's heart jolted in her chest. "You don't think he knows, do you?"

Malory laughed. "No, of course not. And I don't mean any offense, but the entire male species is dim-witted. They're completely oblivious."

"God," Haven groaned, falling onto her back. "If Harry finds out, he'll kill Draco. Seriously, and then he'll kill me. They've never gotten along. I mean, frankly it's mostly Draco's fault since he's always been such a dick, but he's changed. I know he has, I've witnessed it first hand. Harry just refuses to believe me." She pushed herself up, meeting Malory's interested gaze. "You should've heard him earlier! Blaming Draco like that...it was simply just to mental."

Malory sighed, flopping onto her bed. "Boys are simply just mental."

"You know..." Haven trailed off with a grin. "I could talk to Harry about you. He already thinks you're like a super nice person. He always smiles when I bring you up."

"Does he really?"

"Sometimes," she shrugged. "It's not like he beams like a lunatic, though. That'd be a tad creepy if you asked me."

"Definitely," Malory agreed, her voice lowered as if she were falling asleep. Haven climbed under the covers, laying on her side. Just as she was almost positive the other girl was out like a light, she spoke again. "Do you think he'll ever like me?"

"Please," Haven scoffed. "You practically scream his type. Athletic, sweet, and gorgeous? I'm surprised he's not pining after you already."

Malory giggled softly. "Thanks."


And they both drifted off into slumber seconds later.

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The stands were absolutely packed for the Gryffindor verses Slytherin game, as they usually were. Both houses tended to go all out when there was a Quidditch match going on. Haven watched as Ron smoothly kicked a buldger, preventing it from entering the goal. She cheered loudly, along with Hermione, who was just clapping her hands.

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