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! chapter four !
─── ∙ ~ ✩ ~ ∙ ───
ON THE TRAIN RIDE to Hogwarts, Haven stared at the picture in her hands, the one Sirius had given to Harry right before they departed. Her gaze couldn't leave the area of where her parents were standing. They looked so happy, she still couldn't believe they were gone, even after all the time that had passed.
The train shook slightly, making the wheels squeal against the rails as it began to make a turn, and Haven looked up from the photo to watch the trees outside the window blur together. She felt Harry gently pry the photograph from her hands, making her head snap over in his direction. She didn't attempt to take it back, it was his, although she wished she could look at it forever.
"I'll be right back," Haven announced, pushing herself out of her seat.
"Where are you going?"
She shrugged. "I have to pee."
"Charming," Hermione commented, and she laughed, pulling the sliding door open.
"You asked."
There was only one bathroom per trolly, so Haven was honestly surprised when she found that there had been no line. Well, not a long one, at least. There were only about three people in front of her, and she boredly leaned against the wall, crossing her arms over her chest because she didn't know where else to put them.
A sudden movement from one of the compartments next to her caught Haven's gaze, and her eyes slid over so that she was looking through the small window that was placed in the middle of the door. A familiar platinum blonde head bobbed as he spoke, but he didn't seem to notice that she was even there, which she was grateful for.
Draco Malfoy and Haven Potter were definitely far from friends. Especially considering the fact how poorly he treated her brother. Although, he'd never made any snarky remark about her, to her face, at least. They had many classes together throughout their years of going to Hogwarts, but besides that they didn't seem to interact much, either. Except for her third year, when Draco had grown taller, catching attention of all of the girls, including herself.
She'd never admit it to Hermione, but Haven had definitely downplayed her feelings towards the blonde. But as quickly as the crush came, it was over just as fast, and he hardly appeared on her mind since.
Haven turned her attention back onto the line in front of her, which was now one person shorter. She tapped her foot impatiently against the hardwood floor, she had to piss. And badly.
The hairs on the back of her neck stood up, and she felt someone's gaze burning into the side of her head. Haven looked over, meeting Draco's eyes. He didn't return her small smile, instead, he pretended the whole thing didn't happen, and went back to talking with his friends.