Time to come out pt.1 (Jacklyn)

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You know those guys who in everyone's eyes seem perfect, girls go after them, are rich, full of friends and fight for no reason? Well, I'm one of those guys. I don't even know why, maybe there isn't even a reason, I think it just happened. I'm not proud of it, in my private life I'm actually ashamed of it. I'm ashamed of it because people see me for someone that I'm not. They all love the guy they see, but he's not who I am, so they basically don't love me, I can't blame them, they don't know who I really am, nobody knows.
All my friends consider me a lucky guy because pretty much all the girls in school want me, but I don't like girls. When I found out, I was so afraid they might make fun of me or hurt me that I didn't say anything and played their game. It has been a month since they targeted a boy who is one year younger than us; if I'm not mistaken his name's Brooklyn.
I don't know much about him, but he has beautiful green eyes that hypnotize me every time I meet them, his smile is very beautiful, but unfortunately he doesn't smile often, so I just look at his latest photo on Instagram, also his laugh I only heard it once, it made me feel good and happy. The first time I noticed him was two years ago, but I didn't give him much importance, but lately something has changed.

Today is Tuesday and a new day of shit begins. I wear my usual "mask" so nobody knows who I really am and I go to school without giving too much importance to my parents' questions.

It's time for lunch and I'm at the usual table with my teammates. I notice Brooklyn looking for an empty table to eat, but they are all busy. I always see him alone and he doesn't seem to have friends. He has been looking sad for months now and I would like to do something but I don't know what.

It's time for lunch and I hate it. Everyone seems so happy and carefree and I just can't figure out how to be happy. My father died three months ago and honestly I still haven't gotten over it. I had two friends but they broke up with me when I told them I'm gay. In the family they know it and for them it's not a problem, but those two "friends" have told the whole school that I am gay and now everyone hates me, some beat me, tease me and exclude me.
I always end up eating in the bathroom, there is never anyone and it's perfect for me. I'm going to the bathroom to eat even though I'm not really hungry, many times either they throw my food on the floor or I just don't take it.

I've never told anyone, but there is a boy at school, Jack Duff, and every time I see him my heart rate increases. From the first time I saw him, I haven't stopped thinking about him. He is in the group of cool boys, but he behaves differently from the others. Lately I see him distracted, I would like to talk to him but I know that it would be a problem for him to talk to someone like me.

"Hey fagot" I turn around and see a guy from the basketball team, I think his name is William. I don't pay much attention to it and keep walking towards the canteen door. The boy approaches me, throws the food in my hands in the garbage and pushes me making me fall to the ground. He looks at me satisfied and then starts kicking me. The pain is too much, not being the first time, the tears drown my eyes and head down to the ground.

William is exaggerating now. He doesn't have to treat him that way! The tears in his eyes break my heart and the fact that no one does anything pisses me off... that someone must obviously be me.

"STOP!" I get up violently and everyone turns to me. William looks at me confused and Brooklyn is on the ground unable to move.
"He's a stupid fagot"
"He's not, I bet he's a thousand times smarter than you, not that it takes long, and the fact that he likes boys is none of your business or anyone else's"

I feel everyone's eyes on me, but I don't give a damn. I walk up to Brook and wipe away his tears. His forehead is hot and right now I just want to kiss him to let him know that everything will be fine.

"It's over. Now let's go to the infirmary and you'll be better" he just nods

I help him get up and, being careful not to hurt him, I support him on one side with his arm around my neck and mine around his waist. I don't care what other people think right now, I just want him to be okay.

Sorry I know this one is shorter than the others...
But hope you liked it somehow🌵💞

ℝ𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕐 & 𝕁𝔸ℂ𝕂𝕃𝕐ℕ 𝕆ℕ𝔼𝕊ℍ𝕆𝕋𝕊🏳️🌈Where stories live. Discover now