Our love isn't wrong (Randy)

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(Please let me know what you think about this chapter, it's quiete important)

When I was a kid, those were really bad times. The First World War was about to break out and there was not even a small light of happiness. I remember that a child who was six had just arrived in the village, he wasone year older than me.
There was something that attracted me to this child, I didn't know what, but I knew it went beyond his beautiful ocean blue eyes and his dark blond hair. There was something that attracted me to him and I wanted to find out what.

Even now, 25 years later, I don't know exactly what it was, but I know that he was not that little light of happiness that I was missing, he was a light, as big as the sun, in my life, and having him by my side is simply something spectacular.

When I found out that he wasn't just one of those people who come into your life and walk away, I closed in on myself. I couldn't understand how you could love a person of the same sex, it was all so confusing. It was forbidden to talk about these things and there was no one I could confide in.

One day we were at the lake, we were 15 and I could no longer keep everything inside. Given the times I lived in, I can say that I was like a German bomb ready to explode at any moment. That day the sun was high in the sky, the war had been over for some years and we were all happy, but not me. I wasn't happy, because even though I could spend all my time with the most amazing person in the world, I couldn't be myself.
The light of that day was spectacular, the sun was beating high in the sky, not even a cloud in the sky, the calm of that day was indescribable.

"This is my favorite place" I said sitting next to him at the edge of the lake

"Mine too" I turned my gaze to him waiting for him to justify his statement "Because it's our place" he took my hand and intertwined our fingers. The smile I saw on his lips that day I had never seen before. I couldn't contain myself and I kissed that wonderful smile. Everything, for those few seconds that the kiss lasted, was going the right way, everything was just as it should be.

We have been in war for a year and I have no words to describe the horror that accompanies us every day. Andy and I support each other, when we can't see each other for long periods we send each other letters. Being away is the hardest thing, and it's quite ironic to think of it this way, because every day I see dead people, children desperately looking for their families, yet I think the hardest thing is to stay away from him, away from my happiness. .
Because knowing you can see his smile every once in a while, have him in my arms and smell his perfume and everything else is priceless.

Happiness has never been an emotion belonging to the people of my generation, nor to people born before or after.

But despite everything I managed to find my happiness. I found it in a person, but I found it and I made it mine instantly.

I never understood what the meaning of war is, I was born with the idea that we must share love, peace, tranquility. Sometimes I really think I was born in the wrong era.

If only I were born in 50 years... have you ever imagined the world in 50 years? Machines that fly, telephones that can be taken with you wherever you want ... who knows what love will be like in 50 years or even in 80? It's 1940, so in 80 years it will be 2020, how strange to think of such a distant future... who knows what love will be like?

My love,
How are you?
I wish I could be okay, but being away from you hurts me. The officer is always angry, so being able to write you a letter is a very big concession.
Do you know what I was thinking? No, of course you don't know.
I was thinking about the future, that's right, I was thinking about 2020... I know it's a very distant year. We will no longer be there, we will be 105 and 106 years old, for many years.
But this is not the point. Can you imagine what life will be like for a boy of our age? He will be able to hang out with his friends, hang around and listen to carefree music. Have you ever wondered how they will listen to music?
I admit that I have also thought a lot about love, who knows what love will be like in 2020?
I'm sure our love would be accepted by everyone. We could go around together, hand in hand, show the world how much we love each other, show everything to a world that doesn't care if we are two boys or two girls or a boy and a girl ... our love would be a love like everyone else , perhaps a little stronger.
I conclude this letter here and look forward to your reply.
I miss you and I love you
Your Andy

I have a book where I keep all my and Andy's letters hidden.
We have been together for ten years and every day I manage to be happy with him. I know it is a "period" in which happiness is not an emotion present in people.
Isn't it funny how I was born and lived in a historical period when happiness is not a word in the vocabularies, but I still manage to be happy?
Of course I wouldn't be happy if I didn't have Andy with me, near or in my heart.

I just finished reading the letter he sent me and I still have tears in my eyes and wet cheeks from them.
I have dreamed many times, day and night, of my future with Andy. We don't know if the two of us actually have a future together, probably not, probably yes.

I take the pad I use to write the letters that are only ever addressed to him.

My love,
I'm fine, but being away from you is torture. I always look for your face in other people, to be able to see your beautiful blue eyes immensely deep, your radiant smile, your sweet dimples, your little upturned nose, to be able to sink my fingers into your soft hair and be able to inhale your sweet perfume ... I look for all this in other people when I know perfectly well that there is no one else like you.
I don't know what will happen in the future. Probably the machines will fly and you will be able to command objects with your voice, the machines will be able to perform an open heart operation and much more.
I have thought many times about what might happen in the future and I have no idea what might happen, but every time I think about this word I see the two of us together.
Now I have a question for you: "Do you think that one day our letters will be found and published to show the world that our love was true and not wrong?"
Your Rye

I close the letter in an envelope and give it a kiss before sending it.

I had this idea like months ago and I wrote it just now... it was a bit hard to write because I cried just at the thought.

I also posted the first chapter of my new story (Jacklyn and Randy) give it a look if you want🌵💞

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