Shame? (Randy)

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I'm on the couch with Sonny and we're playing the playstation. I don't know where Harper and Brook are and I think Andy is in his room.

"Babe, do you want to go out?"


"I don't know, for example to the mall or we can go downtown"

"No I don't want to"

"Why not?"

"I want to play the Playstation with Sonny" the conversation is getting hotter and Sonny has decided to leave us alone

"Do you prefer a game to me?" I don't understand why he always has to be so stubborn

"It's not true"

"Yes, Ryan, you never want to go out with me and the rare times you refuse to hold my hand, why?" he is right but I cannot tell him directly that I'm ashamed, he would shatter it into millions of pieces

"We should break up" it's the most effective solution, continuing a relationship that only "works" for one person it's not fair

"Is that what you want?" his eyes are shiny and his lips are trembling, fuck...


He leaves the living room without saying anything and I feel like a void inside me, but it was the right choice to make, right?

It's been five days since he broke up with me and I always feel like my heart has been brutally ripped off. I know I'm very dramatic, but that's just how I feel.

We spent two wonderful months, perhaps the moments I spent with him were the best of my life.

I knew he was having trouble understanding himself, but I also thought that I could really help him and that together we could come to a solution.

I was by his side every day and when he wanted to be alone I let him be, I did everything he asked me and I truly believed that what I felt for him was the same for him too.

I remember the day I realized I loved him, suddenly everything became terribly clear.
He was always the person I was desperately looking for, the person who would understand me and who would have some kind of telepathic connection with me and I was right.
The first few times we went out together he was always unsure whether it was a good idea or not and I honestly couldn't figure out the problem with dating his boyfriend but then the day when I found out the truth came, it's like if my eyes were opened. He was ashamed of being seen by other people with me because I'm a boy. I convinced myself that that wasn't really the problem but with every day that passed every day I realized that I was actually the problem. I didn't want to believe it, he had never said anything about it but we all know that gestures say more than words do.

"What the fuck did you do?"

"Jack what are you doing here?" Jack left the band a month ago and since then we've all been very busy with music and a tour and haven't had time to see each other but the good thing is we've kept our relationships intact. But you can understand my surprise to see him enter my room without warning

"Why did you break up with Andy?" his eyes express such anger that I've never seen in his eyes

"Who told you that?"

"Brook" I knew it, who else he could be but his best friend and ex-boyfriend "But that's not the point. Why did you break up with him? You loved him, or at least these were your words" he's right, I said that I loved him because it was like that

"You too broke up with your boyfriend"

"Don't pull this story out. We all know it went completely different. Brook and I talked about everything, we confronted each other and came to the conclusion that breaking up was the solution but being best friends will always be part of our relationship and you know well, so please tell me the truth" yet again he's right about everything. Jack was definitely more fair to Brook than me to tell Andy the truth, but I did it for the simple reason that telling Andy the truth would only make things worse "Tell me the truth Ryan" when he calls people by the name whole means that he's really angry

ℝ𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕐 & 𝕁𝔸ℂ𝕂𝕃𝕐ℕ 𝕆ℕ𝔼𝕊ℍ𝕆𝕋𝕊🏳️🌈Where stories live. Discover now