His happiness is my happiness pt.1 (Jacklyn)

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Before you start reading I want to let you know that I absolutely love Kirsty and that I have nothing against her.😊

His smile has always been my aim. Everything I did, I did it so that he could be happy. Hearing his laugh accompanied with a beaming smile on his lips, eyes slightly closed and with their usual joyful glow, tousled hair and everything that has always made him the boy I love, was what I always wanted. No matter what I had to do, only him mattered.

I still remember the first day we met. Blair and the boys had come to pick me up at the station, it was December 2016 and it was freezing cold. At one point Blair said "I brought you a surprise" or something like that and I was shocked by his words, mainly because I wasn't expecting anything, and immediately after that he said "Meet Jack"
I hugged him instantly and for the first time in my life I stammered, it had never happened to me before.

The more the days went by the more all I wanted was to be with him. Living in the same flat, in the same room with four other boys has certainly helped a lot in being always with him.
Many times we have even slept together. To be honest, all five of us slept with each other. Mikey always wanted to sleep with Rye, but Andy and Rye were always meant to be together and so it has been and still is, Jack has always liked being with everyone, but with me in particular and this thing literally made me melt.
Jack, even though he may not seem like it, is a very cuddly boy and he always wants to sleep hugging someone and when that someone is, or rather was, me, it made me feel really special. He has always managed to make me feel good, he made me feel sensations that even now I can't explain. When his arms around me held me tight to him and we were body to body, I felt I was safe. He is my safe place.

But I knew it, Rye knew it, Andy knew it, Mikey knew it. I knew that he did not feel the same for me and although I knew perfectly well my feelings were stronger and controlling them was an inhumane undertaking.

Falling in love with him was the last thing I had to do and instead it was the fastest thing that ever happened to me.

When he introduced me to his girlfriend seven months ago, I felt like I was dying inside. Because even though I knew he was straight, he still had never introduced me to any girl, and this made everything a little less difficult.

"Brook!" I hear Jack scream from far away from me "Brook !!"

"I'm in the kitchen!" I yell in response.

He opens the door and my eyes immediately move to the female figure next to him. A girl a little less tall than him, long brown hair, freckles, thin, model body but with something more, very well made up but not excessive make-up. But then... then my eyes automatically move to their hands. They are intertwined.

"She's Kirsty." She looks at me and then at her, with a childlike, like the happiness a kid has when you give them their favorite toy. "My girlfriend" the world collapses on me, I would have expected, in short, I'm not stupid. "We met two months ago, do you remember when you asked me to go out for fun, at the disco?"

"Y-yes" I remember that day perfectly. It was perfect. It was just the two of us and a lot of people we didn't know, but he wanted to be alone with me and me with him, so all the other 300 people, maybe more, present in that nightclub didn't count, because for me we were alone.

"When I gave you a few minutes to go to the bathroom I met her and we exchanged the phone number and from that day we started to talk and we understood that our feelings were mutual"

"Is that why you were so happy?" I ask, pretending a fake smile.

"Yes" I walk up to him and do what any best friend would do in these situations. I hug him, close to me, trying to hold back the tears. "I'm happy for you" I say, trying to sound as believable as possible.

After almost a minute I detach myself from his arms, almost with the fear that this hug may be the last and I turn to Kirsty with a slight smile. "You are truly a beautiful couple".

Thinking about that moment again brings tears to my eyes, because that was the day my best friend turned into a complete stranger.

Mikey is gone and without him I feel like a piece of me has been taken away.
I don't want to take anything away from Sonny. He is also a very good guy, he is sweet, nice, funny, kind, he has an incredible voice, he makes me feel at ease and from the first moment he became friends with everyone. But I really miss Mikey so much. He was a bit like my personal "psychologist". Whenever I had a problem I didn't have to say anything, he understood instantly and was never wrong.

I've learned to live with the fact that my best friend is just a guy who lives in the same house I share with three other guys, excluding him, but the pain still lives inside me, insistent and, inexplicably, ever increasing.

Jack moved away from me, he went from being always and constantly with me, in fact, we were considered as one person, he was always looking for cuddles and mine were his favorites, when I couldn't sleep he welcomed me in his bed, he held me in his arms and stroked my hair until I fell asleep and the next morning he whispered sweet words to me and kissed me on the forehead or cheek to wake me up, he took my hair off my forehead and together we went to have breakfast. It was our thing to watch Netflix together, on the sofa or on my bed, always under the covers, a bowl of popcorn and chips, coke and occasionally juice too.
He and I were Jacklyn.

ℝ𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕐 & 𝕁𝔸ℂ𝕂𝕃𝕐ℕ 𝕆ℕ𝔼𝕊ℍ𝕆𝕋𝕊🏳️🌈Where stories live. Discover now