Is this still working? pt.2

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I wake up suddenly with a terrible headache, the kind that makes your temples throb relentlessly. Memories of the night just passed come back to me, the screams, the tears, the tearing pain, everything.
I ran away from my problems, I did everything to fill that emptiness and that pain constantly present inside me, I did everything I could to forget, even for just ten minutes, everything that had tortured me for months.

I move slightly realizing only now that I am still in Jack's arms.
I observe him for a while: closed eyes that as soon as opened reveal a green color that is undoubtedly the most beautiful I've ever seen, with almost imperceptible shades, the half-open mouth, the tousled hair that falls on his forehead, the arms tight around my waist as if not to let go, and I could go on forever.

The only thing I can think about right now, although everything that has happened in recent months, is "how much I love this guy". If a person were to ask me who I love I would answer without even thinking for a second "Jack", but if the same person asked me "how much do you love him?" I don't know how to answer, because my love for him is not measurable, but I could answer the question "why do you love him?", I love him because with him I feel loved, I feel special, I love him because he is him. I fell in love with the person he is, inside and out, I love every little detail that makes him simply him. Him, my soul mate. Do you know what a soulmate is? it's a ... well it's like a best friend but more ...
it's the person in the world that knows you better than anyone else, it's someone who makes you a better person, actually, they don't make you a better person, you do that yourself, because they inspire you, a soulmate is someone who you carry with you forever, it's the one person who, who knew and accepted you and, believed in you before anyone else did, or when no one else would, and no matter what happens, you'll always love them, nothing can ever change that.

The flow of my thoughts is suddenly interrupted by his beautiful voice, after his laugh, the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. "Good morning"

"How did you know I was awake?"

"Breath changes" I remain silent, thinking that he still recognizes the meaning of the changes in my breath.

"Good morning to you too" I turn to him, my eyes immediately meet him and then automatically move to his lips. "Can I kiss you?" nods.

I connect our lips in a slow kiss, full of love and affection, full of everything I need. A kiss like this hadn't happened for so long that I don't even remember when it was the last time.

"I missed you"

"I never left"

"For me it was as if it were so"

"I'm sorry"

"I think we should talk about all of this. I don't want you to keep everything inside, it just makes you feel bad "

"Are you talking about a psychologist?"

"I think it could help us, what we have been through is very common and many require the help of a specialist"

"I don't want to do it alone"

"You won't have to" "You won't have to do anything by yourself"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

I divided it pretty bad and I'm sorry...

During the "break" period, having not published anything, I thought that no one would read my oneshots or that in any case I would receive few reads and very few votes. Instead you surprised me! I got almost 1k reads and 50 votes!!
Thank you so much!🌵💞

ℝ𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕐 & 𝕁𝔸ℂ𝕂𝕃𝕐ℕ 𝕆ℕ𝔼𝕊ℍ𝕆𝕋𝕊🏳️🌈Where stories live. Discover now