29: Red White and Blue

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~Jacob's pov~

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~Jacob's pov~

I walked through the doors of my school, my hand feeling cold because Mikayla wasn't there holding it. I know it's only been a day so it shouldn't feel abnormal when I'm not holding her hand, but it does.

I assumed Mikayla was going to be with Alyssa and everyone else and when I saw her, I couldn't care less if she was having a conversation with the president, I was going to grab her and say I'm sorry for blowing up on her yesterday until it's the last day we see each other.

"Where's Mikayla?" I asked when I saw nothing of her. Not her hair, her amazing green eyes, small form, or the black hightop converse she always wore. My heart dropped. Was she not here because of me? I needed to find her.

Everyone turned to me. "We thought she was with you," Jesse said. "Why?"

"I need to talk to her."

I glanced over at her locker not too far from here. Surely she wouldn't go to class without her stuff, right?

Everyone went back to the conversation they were having before I interrupted. I had to wait till the bell rang before deciding I was going to wait by her locker for her, then she'd have to talk to me if she really was avoiding me.

A minute passed, two, then three and she still hadn't come, the tardy bell rings in two. Maybe she came here early so she wouldn't have to come back?

'I know she has Ms. Daniels right now.'

Without another thought, my feet were guiding me to that room to see if she was there or not. If she wasn't there who knows what I'd do then.

When I had got there, there were only ten students in the classroom sitting around talking and laughing. None of them being Mikayla, though.

"Where are you?" I muttered to myself.

"I'm right here," chirped a voice, but it wasn't Mikayla's.

I turned to see Kate standing there. Had she been following me? For all I know she has a class all the way on the other side of the campus, and I was just standing there and said that so lowly, to hear it you'd have to be right behind me. Not walking by or else you would have missed it.

I tried to smile at her, but it must've come out as a grimace.

"We need to talk," she declared, holding the books in her arms tightly to her chest to come off as innocent.

"No we don't." I tried to walk past her to get to my car to see if Mikayla was running late or something, but she had grabbed my arm before I could get too far. Then the bell rang. "You better get going, you're late."

She shrugged. "I'm already late, there's no reason to hurry now." I cursed when I told myself she was right.

I rubbed my temple. "Can we talk later? I really need to talk to someone right now." I tried to escape a second time but she stepped in front of me.

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