15. Tacenda

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(n.) Things Better Left Unsaid; Matters To Be Passed Over In Silence

) Things Better Left Unsaid; Matters To Be Passed Over In Silence

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That's it I'm gonna say it. Whether its Lie or Truth.

I scan the hall, spotting Eunjin and Lisa together. I walked towards them. Making their head face towards me. I looked at Lisa but she turned away from me. I try to her in my eyes, hoping she would see me. But no.

"Excuse me. I will be right back." Lisa said as she walked away. Eunjin gave her a puzzled look but soon shrugged off when she noticed me standing there.

Why are you making this hard for me Lisa? Why don't you just come to me? I can make it right.

"Yes. Hoseok." She called out to me.

"Uh. Yeah,- E-Eunjin. I actually wanna say something to you." I spoke out. She nodded her head. "Yeah. Go ahead."

"I-I wa-" I try to speak but my heart doesn't want me to speak as the nervous took over me.

Just do it Jung Hoseok.

"Is something wrong Hoseok? You seem to be very worried. Is everything alright?" Eunjin patted my arm, caressing it gently before hugging me tightly.

"I heard someone tell me, whenever a person is sad, just go for a hug. Maybe they can share their feelings with you if they cannot say." Eunjin said as broke the hug.

"Who told you?" I asked her. She tilted her head in confusion as she rose her brows, slightly pouting.

"Who told me? Hmm. I don't know. it just came out of my mouth."

"Let it be. Let's dance. Shall we?" I asked her, as I shoved my hand next to her. Her cheeks turned into the red shade, taking her hand onto mine. Her eyes widened as she looked down at her feet.

I chuckled while taking her hands in my hand before moving to the floor.

The music was soft as its melody sang through my ears. I closed my eyes. And only. She appeared.


I open my eyes just to look at Eunjin's innocent face. I smiled making her blush even more.

"Hoseok. Is something eating you up? These days you look little lost." Eunjin spoke between the music. That was audible to me.

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