Ch.4 You & I

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Yua's pov

Every. Single. Day. I saw Haru at school, or at the train or at Mystic cafe. Wherever I went it seemed he was there too. It was hell running into him everywhere. I swear he's stalking me at this point.  I tried avoiding him but he always popped up unexpectedly looking into my eyes the same way he used to. Weeks went by without either of us saying a word, we just stared at each other not knowing who would make the first move. Today was another day of us not talking to each other. I sat in the corner at Mystic cafe sipping on a iced tea waiting for my sister to finish

her shift. After Haru ordered his food he made small talk with my sister. He said something to make her laugh and I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to my tea.

"I'll be back in 10 minutes" he told Hikari then walked out of the cafe still laughing at whatever they were talking about.

" Haru!" I called out as I followed him out of the cafe.

He stopped and turned around to face me but stayed completely silent.

"Oh so you're not gonna say anything?" I said getting irritated.

"What do you want me to say?" He said like he did nothing wrong.

"I just want an explanation on why you left."

"I don't need to give an explanation."

"Why do you always do this? You run away when things get tough. You've been back for weeks but haven't said one word to me." I yelled out of frustration.

Haru said nothing, he just looked at his watch, went back to the cafe and grabbed his food and walked past me like nothing.

"You're such a jerk and I hate you Haru. I fucking hate your guts!" I cried out looking at his back. It was like I was talking to a brick wall. Haru stopped walking for a second then just continued without looking back.

I stormed back into the cafe with mixed emotions. Should I feel angry, sad, or relieved that I dodged a bullet? I was so angry I wanted to rip his throat out.  OMG why am i thinking like this? Ripping his throat out? Come on Yua. Suddenly I felt really thirsty so I grabbed my iced tea and chugged it.

"Yua-chan are you okay?" Hikari asked, sitting across from me placing another iced tea in front of me.

"No, I'm over here imagining ripping Haru's throat out ." I said suddenly feeling stressed.

"No that's completely normal." she joked. "But seriously what's wrong."

"I just want to talk to Haru but he keeps pushing me away. How can he tell me he loves me, leave and show back up like nothing happened." I sighed in frustration.

"Hey don't beat yourself up over this. It's his fault. He's the one that left not you. You just have to find a way to talk to him and not rip out his throat." I nodded, taking another sip of tea. She may be younger than me but she's always right.

"Your shift is almost over right? Let's go to the bookstore on our way home."

"Yay!" she yelled excitedly, drawing attention towards her from the other customers. 

"Sorry." she said quickly heading back behind the counter. Only Hikari would get excited over books I laughed to myself.  

I really didn't know why I was so hung up on Haru. Maybe it's because he's the only guy I loved. Or maybe it because he left without giving me an explanation. My mind kept drifting off thinking about him as I tried to do my chemistry homework that's due tomorrow. My eyes grew heavier as I tried to focus. "Maybe I should take a break." I yawned resting my head on the desk.

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