Chapter 3

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Kumiko's P. O. V:

"Who is Sabertooth again?" Natsu questions as he leans against the bar counter, his head tilted to the side curiously, and a mug of fire in hand. Happy stands next to him, while I stand beside Gray, Luna beside me.

Romeo responds, "They're incredibly strong—like majorly! They surpassed Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale awhile back, so now they're the strongest wizard guild around."

Gray murmurs, "I've never heard of them till today."

Luna responds, "That's because seven years ago nobody had heard of them."

I say, "It started once they got a new master. After he took over, five incredibly strong wizards joined, and that was all she wrote." Upon saying this, I hold up five fingers for emphasis.

Lucy breathes in surprise, "Wow! Five new members made that much of a difference?"

Natsu says eagerly, "Sounds like these guys have some serious guts!"

Wendy asks hopefully, "If they're the number 1 guild in Fiore, does that mean Fairy Tail's number 2?"

I give the bluenette an 'Are you kidding me?!' expression, as she scoffs, "Yeah, you wish!"

"In your dreams!" Luna scoffs, rolling her red orbs.

Charlele says pointedly, arms crossed as she hovers beside the bluenette, "Wendy, would you look around you, child?"


"We're dead last!" Romeo says.

Alzac puts his hand to his forehead as he mumbles, "They call us 'Whimpy Fail.'"

With the backs of her hands on her hips, Bisca mutters in annoyance, "You just had to ask, didn't you."

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Wendy quickly apologises.

Natsu, however, laughs, thinking this funny, "Wow! We're in last place?! That's perfect! This is going to be fun!"

"For who?" Gray questions.

Jumping to his feet, Natsu replies enthusiastically, "Just think about it, Gray! It's gonna be awesome, clawing our way back up to the top all over again! I can't wait!"

"Of course you can't," I say with my arms crossed below my large chest. It's now the same size as Erza's.

Lucy laughs. Romeo says energetically, the backs of his hands on his hips, "There's just no keeping you down, is there?! I'm fired up now!"

Wendy chimes in, just as excitedly, "I am too!" She giggles. "I can't wait to show them what we've got!"

"Sorry to interrupt, but..." Cana says as she approaches them. "... have you seen Gildarts anywhere?"

Gray asks in a teasing tone, "What's the matter? Is wittle Cana starting to get lonely whenever daddy's not around?"

Glaring sharply, I nudge the ice wizard's side hard, causing him to utter an "Ow!"

"Smooth move, Gray," I say with a pointed glance to Lucy. She'd just found out that her father had passed away sometime after Tenrou Island disappeared, and was saddened by the sudden news.

Gray realises what he'd just said and quickly apologises, glancing at the Heartfilia, "Oh! My bad!"

"It's okay! Seriously. Don't worry about it," Lucy says sincerely.

Gray rubs the back of his head in embarrassment.

Erza says as she enters the guild hall, "Gildarts and Master Makarov just left. They're going to visit the old guild hall."

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