Chapter 21

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Third Person's P. O. V:

Ultear sits on her knees on the ground, a solemn look on her face as she gazes up at the sky. Near her, is a clock tower.

She'd come across Rogue and Kumiko amongst some buildings and had contemplated killing them to save the future. But, at the last minute, Ultear had changed her mind against it.

'I've lived my entire life in the shadows, ruled by darkness,' Ultear thinks. 'I thrived on deception, contempt, anger, and death. And, still, I received forgiveness and compassion. Gray allowed me a second chance at life. I wanted to atone for my sins, so I founded Crime Sorciere—The Witch's Crime. But, I will never find salvation. At my core, I'm still the same: a witch crumbling under the weight of her own crimes. One who'd take the life of an innocent. Perhaps, that's because I myself don't deserve to live.'

Ultear then remembers a time when she was at the Library of Sorcery, how she'd discovered the Last Ages spell, but Master Hades had forbidden her from using it as the spell takes a tremendous cost from the caster.

Their own time.

In other words, their life.

So she'd agreed not to use it, though Ultear had been upset by that.

Ultear thinks as she gazes down at her right palm, 'At this point, I will gladly pay. If giving up this life of sin and sorrow... if that can truly set the world as it was,' both her hands become enveloped in rainbow light, 'then, so be it!'

Ultear slams her hands on the ground in front of her as a pale blue light envelopes her body and she yells out, "Arc of Time: Last Ages!"

Ultear slams her hands on the ground in front of her as a pale blue light envelopes her body and she yells out, "Arc of Time: Last Ages!"

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The clock strikes 1: 30 am.

Ultear screams as she feels as though her very soul is being ripped away from her body, as the spell takes away her time, the rainbow coloured light shooting up into the sky. After what feels like an eternity, the pain stops, and Ultear's skin has been ripped by the spell, along with her clothes, though they cover certain areas.

Ultear remains in her position as she shifts her red eyes to the clock, her right eye covered by her bangs. 'It worked! I've done it! I've turned back time,' She thinks in immense relief.

Ultear's eyes jerk wide when she sees that she was only able to turn back time by 1 minute. A sharp gasp flies out of Ultear's mouth as she thinks in horror, 'What?! 1 minute?! Is that what my life was worth... just 1 minute?! No...! This can't be all they get. It's not enough! I've failed them!'

Ultear slowly collapses onto her stomach, face first into the ground, and doesn't get up again.


Kumiko blinks her blue eyes when she sees a vision of herself dying, and she looks at Rogue as she asks, "Hey, did you see that?"

Rogue nods. "Yes. It was like a premonition. I saw you die." Relief swims in Rogue's eyes as he gazes at me, happy to know I'm still alive.

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