Chapter 27

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Pic above is Kira, just with a black cloak on—->

Kumiko's P. O. V:

For the next several hours, we search for Kira. Luna and I ask the civilians anything they might know about the assassin. But the civilians either were too scared to talk about her or they didn't have any information on Kira at all.

I still kept trying to find Kira, though.

By the time the sun set and it started to get really dark, Luna and I decided to call it a night and head back to the hotel. When we get there, we meet up with Sting and Rogue inside, and gather in the dining area. We share what information we've gathered while we eat dinner, which is ramen.

"Anything?" I ask, glancing at Sting and Rogue.

"Nothing. No one we talked to seemed to have any information on where Kira is," Sting replies, his arms crossed over his chest.

Rogue inputs, "And we didn't find Kira either."

"Neither did we," I say. "A lot of the civilians we talked to either didn't know where she could be or were too frightened to talk about her. I've only ever heard rumours about Kira, but I never thought she could be this terrifying."

"Well, whoever this assassin is, I doubt she's a match for us," Sting scoffs.

"Remember what Shigeshi-san said, Sting. Any who've crossed paths with Kira have never lived to speak of it," Rogue reminds him. "That tells me she's not someone to be underestimated, nor to be taken lightly."

I nod my head in agreement. "I agree with Rogue-kun."

"Fro thinks so, too!" Frosch chimes.

"We should first assess her skills before we take her on," Luna states. "This is not a battle we can just rush head long into."

"Luna's right," I say.

"Fine. Whatever. I still think the three of us can take Kira on," Sting grumbles.

"What do you know about her, Kumi-chan?" Rogue asks me with a hint of curiosity in his voice. I eat a few noodles before speaking.

"Well, from what you've already been told, she's a ruthless assassin. From what I have heard, Kira isn't apart of any guild, but is hired by lots of people from around Fiore. She's incredibly powerful and dangerous, and she's nicknamed The Angelic Demon, because of her looks and the way she fights."

"The Angelic Demon?" Sting mutters, blinking his cerulean blue eyes. "I guess that makes sense."

"Kira has been wanted by the Magic Council but any who have tried to capture her, have always been felled by her sword," I continue, before slurping some more noodles. "Not one person has ever been able to capture Kira."

"She's really that powerful, huh?" Sting asks curiously as he slurps up some noodles. I nod. "Well, with the three of us working together, we should be able to defeat her easily!"

"Even so, you mustn't let your guard down around her. If you do, she'll kill you in an instant," I say seriously.

We soon finish up dinner and turn in for the night.


It's been a week since we arrived in Gardenia Town, and we still had no luck finding Kira. Sting was beginning to think she was no longer in this town but both Rogue and I think otherwise. We still continued our search for her anyway.

The next morning, Sting, Rogue and I split off again to continue our search for Kira. Luna and I spend a few hours looking and asking more civilians about Kira, before we come to a bar.

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