𝔗𝔥𝔢 ℜ𝔢𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔫 𝔠𝔥. 2

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Your POV:

We look around the ruins and try to remember if this place is familiar.

I walk towards Lucy and saw she was gazing on the ocean, "Wonder who lived here" Lucy looks back, so did I and saw Susan holding something, "I think we did" we walk towards her and gaze on the solid golden Narnian chess piece.

"Hey, that's mine. From my chess set" Edmund said as both Peter and him walk towards us, "Which chess set?" Peter ask.

"I didn't exactly have a solid gold chess in Finchley, did I?" Edmund replies then I felt something around my ring finger on my right hand, I look at it and saw my engagement and wedding ring.

"I didn't exactly have a solid gold chess in Finchley, did I?" Edmund replies then I felt something around my ring finger on my right hand, I look at it and saw my engagement and wedding ring

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(a/n: your engagement ring ^)

(a/n: your engagement ring ^)

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(a/n: your wedding ring ^)

"Ed" I call Edmund and showed him my rings, he inhales as he smile then I look behind me, "Lucy" I call, "Can't be" she replies then we both go where we were looking.

We all run towards it and once we made up there, we turned and look around, me on the middle, Susan to my left and Peter to my right, "What is it?" Peter ask, "Don't you see? Imagine walls..." Lucy goes beside Susan, "And columns there" she points, "And a glass roof" me and Lucy adds.

"Cair Paravel" Peter said then Edmund go down, Peter follows, me, Lucy and Susan look at each other and follow them.

We arrived somewhere, I look around trying to remember and picture the Cair Paravel I knew when the day we get back, "Catapults" I heard Edmund said, I look at him and saw he's kneeling on the grass and holding on a rock, "What?" Peter ask.

"This didn't just happen, Cair Paravel was attacked" Ed answers then Peter walks towards something and saw the door, entrance to where our chests supposedly be hidden, both Peter and Edmund moves the stone wall aside then breaks the wooden door and put it at the right side.

Then Peter gets a stick and rips off a pieces of his uniform and tie it on the stick, "Don't suppose you have any matches, do you?" he ask.

"No. But, would this help?" Edmund reaches for his shoulder bag and pull out a torch (a/n: for others, flashlight) "You might have mentioned it a bit sooner" Peter laughs, I giggle, Edmund, Susan and Lucy chuckles.

Then Ed gets in, Peter let us in first, I was the first one to follow Edmund while Susan and Lucy behind me and Peter last.

Once we're in, I saw our chests, I quickly go down the stairs after the boys and Peter opens the gate, "I can't believe. It's all still here" he said, I approach my chest at the middle, looking on my statue behind it and open the chest and so did Susan, Edmund, and Lucy.

I take out my dagger and smile to it as I remember the day it was given to me, "I was so tall" I heard Lucy comments, I look at her and saw her comparing her dress on her body, "Well, you were older then" Susan said, "As supposed to hundreds of years later.... You're younger" Edmund said.

Then I saw Susan looking at her chest confused, "What is it?" Lucy ask, I turn at them, "My horn, I must've left it on my saddle the day we went back" Susan replies as she takes out her bow and arrows.

I saw Peter opening his chest and take out his sword then unsheathes it, "When Aslan bares his teeth, winter meets its death" he said, "When he shakes his mane...we shall have spring again" Lucy added.

"Everyone we knew... Mr. Tumnus--" she continues, "And the beavers..." I added as I look at her, "They're all gone" we both finishes.

"I think it's time we found out what's going on" Peter said, I nod at him then Peter and Edmund go out so me, Lucy, and Susan so we can change, after changing we go out and let the boys change.

"I think it's time we found out what's going on" Peter said, I nod at him then Peter and Edmund go out so me, Lucy, and Susan so we can change, after changing we go out and let the boys change

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(a/n: you're wearing ^)

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