Chapter 12

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Vusi's POV
When my mother finished saying those words its' like a force of a very strong wind came and hit me hard I stopped breathing for a moment."Mother what are you talking about?" I asked with a very low voice, I do that a lot when I'm really mad or don't know what to say,I mean I felt defeated in some kind of way.

"Mama I'm getting married to Ruvimbo in about six to seven months down the line,I don't even feel the mate bond to that woman outside, there is nothing,I grabbed her hand at the hospital I felt nothing,I was close to herI felt nothing, all that you say about the mate bond I feel it on Ruvimbo not her,sometimes I don't know what you need a seer for when sometimes they don't even see right enough","enough!" my father said and that shut me up.

"Are you saying that what the seer sayed is wrong?, boy if you...", mama didn't let him finish, "my chief grand me the permission to speak,Vusi you know you have a choice right?, we are not forcing you into anything but just helping you with the truth, its up to you to decide what you want,I have a question for you tho my son for how long will the village sacrifice innocent young girls on the night of the eclipse for you not to turn into a beast?,we all think they do it out of free will or love but maybe their just scared their next chief will turn into a beast forever,you have been seeing Ruvarashe for how long now three years? but you haven't changed your are still a beast by night and people are afraid to go out at night".

"You have lived for 2 500years now and nothing has changed this eclipse will be the final eclipse if you don't find your real mate now before the moon turns black you are cursed as a beast forever and we can't change that".I looked at them like they were crazy "so this was all a set up her coming here and playing the doctor part? haa I didn't know you hated my fiance that much yes she's not always right but she loves me".

"You as my parents have to support me not the other way round,have you ever thought that she (the woman outside)has a man too who she has been with for three years and they plan a future together?, did you even think of that hahaha no, mama, papa? no.she is human too and she doesn't know this mate thing so she is basically confused just let her go give her a peace of mind".

"Vusi that's enough platform for you to speak would you keep quiet for once" my uncle said with a smile but I knew that was no smile at all he shut me up at once "we see we all started on the wrong foot all these disagreements between the people my Chief why don't we say we hold this Dare(court session) another time when we are all steady at mind and heart, I know we are all shocked from what we heard so let's let it settle and see what happens next and Vusi u need to put what the seer said in mind, meditate on it.

This has already messed up my messed up mood already so I stood up "my chief,the seer,the,oracle,the advisors,chief priests and village heads thank you very much for the advice and council may I dismiss myself early to get a little bit of rest, its been a long week and I can also get up early to prepare for the gathering tonight","you are exused" my father said I bow my head and walked out.

I was beyond pissed honestly when would my parents ever change,they never see me as a grown up,I hate they have to make all these decisions in my life, I am to be married and three months after marriage become chief so the level of respect and decision making will change but no,no one in court seems to like Ruvimbo,she is nice sweet and caring she accepted me for who I am and even though she knew I turned into a beast at night she was alright with it,her mate was killed in an accident and so hey here we are two complicated people who love each other.

I have been with Ruvimbo for 3good years now so why change for a stranger who is an outsider and on top of it all human.I have six months to focus on my wife to be not to start trying to built up a relationship with someone I don't know,for once let's not focus on the laws of this village and the vampire law and focus on what's on the heart and my heart says no to all this gibberish whatever happenes from now on I fight for what I want not the other way round might as well get some sleep if I want to catch up with the bonfire tonight.

Another chapter finished so this is what basically took place in the court room yes Vusi's mother is a seer will get into details later on .what happens next get ready for the next chapter and its back to Alexandria's POV...till next time love you ❤😘.

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