ᒪคᒪIຖ'Ş ¢นᖇŞē ēᑭIŞ໐໓ē 32

118 8 1

^(You can put that music on while you read. :)^


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"So I'm not afraid of you." David said. "Well, you should be.." Cody said. I looked at him. "Well you see those human remains..The kidnappers killed humans..because they eat human flesh..and unfortunately I'm not that different..." Cody said. He was avoiding looking at me and looked at the ground. "What do you mean?" David asked. "Well I.." Cody said as he turned to David and Maria."..Have eaten and killed humans too.."

"..." I can feel time stop. "S-so it's true....we were hoping that you weren't the murder from Tv" David said. "Yeah that's me.."Cody admitted. "I refuse to believe that!" I said. "Face it, Y/n..." Cody said. "B-but do you really have to do that? Eat people I mean. That's why you killed that man?" David said. I can swear that I see Cody on his human form smiling at me in a sweet way. "You won't eat us..right?"David said.

"NO! I would never eat any of you..I..I have ways of feeding without killing someone..It still feels so dirty though..." Cody said. 'I can see his tears.' "But the others don't care, they just kill. That's why I stopped the guy in the forest. He was one of them.." "Everything started in the beginning of summer, I like going out at night to watch the sky...but then I saw something else too.."

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The young boy was climbing up a tree to watch the stars at night. He made it and started in the sky. A squirrel came up on the little young reptilian's head. "Oh hello there little fella!" The little reptilian said happy. "I have something for you." he said as he dug into his bag. And finally found what he was looking for. "Ta-da!" He said as he gave the squirrel a nut.

The squirrel was happy and was snuggling the nut. Cody smiled bright. "Glad you like it! How was your day??" He asked the squirrel. "Chip!" It said back. "Really?" Cody said understanding it. "Chip!" It said back. "That's awesome!" Cody said.

"Wait you can talk to animals?!" The h/c said amazed. The reptilian looked at her."Er..yes? but-" He got cut. As the orange, the h/c and the blond were awed. "Wow!" The blond said. "You're like a fairytale princes, with your own accompany of little friends...So cute!" Maria fangirled. Y/n laughed. "Imagine him in a dress? Like snow white? Why can I image that?!" Y/n said laughing. "Stop!! I'm not cute!! I'm a monster!" Cody said. Making the h/c stop laughing. "Don't interrupt me again." The brown reptilian boy said.

Back to the flashback. A blond girl was walking through the trees with something on her hand that she kept on her chest. The little reptilian saw her and was questioning the girl. "What is that girl doing here in the middle of the night?" He thought to himself. He then heard steps. It was a guy following the girl. "And that guy? Is she running from him?" He said to himself.

"Should I do something?...Maybe it's a misunderstanding?" The young reptilian said as he saw the man continuing to follow the girl. "Chip!" The squirrel said. Cody patted the squirrel. "Yeah, I'll check that everything's okay." He said to the squirrel assuring him.

Cody was jumping from trees to trees, trying to find the people. "Did I lose them?" He said. He then got snapped from his thought as he heard a scream it sounded like a girl. He stopped and landed on the ground. Then started to run. "Oh no, please be alright!" Cody said running as fast as he can.

He hid behind the tree. He saw the guy but not the girl. "Found him....but where is the girl?..." He thought to himself. He looked at the guy. To see a hand with blood around it. The boy's eyes winded.


"Wait so Cody was a girl this whole time?!" David shouted confused.

"WHAT?! Of course n-" Cody was cut.

"No wonder he looks so pretty and cute!" Y/n said.

"eh?!" Cody said. "I'm not a g-" He got cut once again.

"When we get out of here, can you tell me what Coco talks about?!" David asked.

"That's a great idea David!" Maria said.

"Yes! Let's do it! I want to know what she thinks of me!" Y/n said happily.

"No I wo-'' Cody cut himself then facepalms knowing they will keep trying until he said yes.

"Ugh...Fine...that is if we even get out.." Cody said.

"YEAH!" The 3 shout.

"SHHHH! If you shout we will get caught! Then you will never understand what Coco is saying!" Cody said, trying to make the 3 teens quiet.

They showed a 'Ok' sign as they zip their lips. Cody sighed.

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