The Undead

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Suddenly my body jerked from its slumber, looking around the dark and unfamiliar room I was in. It reeked of rotting flesh, and my stomach felt like it was attacking itself from the inside. I was hungry, but it wasn't the unusual type of hunger. I needed food, but soon as I moved, a sudden sickness came over my body, not giving me the time to get up.

It felt like my inside was coming up with every damn gag. I couldn't take it. It was worse than dying, which caused me to think. How the fuck was I alive? The demon stabbed me in the back, and I saw its claws come through my chest. I felt the pain as it entered and exited.

It was no way that I should have been alive as I quickly tore away at my shirt—looking for any sign of a scar or something that could shine a light on what happened. There was nothing, nothing at all was on my chest. I couldn't understand this and knew it wasn't a dream.

I was in my own little world of thoughts as someone walked by the room. I could hear their heartbeat, which caused my hunger to grow. I tried to push it to the side, but nothing seemed to work, and unwillingly my feet began to move until the door swung open as the light from the hallway hurt my eyes, making me run back into the dark, covering my face.

"That is something that you will get used to. Give it a few days; the hunger will disappear after you feed. It has to be fresh blood, and your sister has volunteered for that."

"Y-you turned me?" I asked as Silas nodded, slowly walking up to me with his hands up as he tried not to walk too loud or make the wrong movements.

"It was either that, Baby, or let you die. I told you I would turn you before letting you die. It killed me seeing that damn thing's claws ripped through your chest. I-I didn't think I was fast enough and didn't think twice about turning you. I just reacted. Really there was no time to think I ripped into my wrist, pouring my blood down your throat. I waited for you to do something... to breathe, jumped to life, and try to kill everyone there...."

"H-have I been asleep for two weeks again?" He laughed, shaking his head no while sitting in a chair, patting his leg for me to sit as well with a small smile.

"No, it's only been a day. Your brother Marcus is upset with me for turning you. Aniyah and Kenny thank me, something I didn't expect... and yes. Aniyah is outside of the door. I know you can feel her because your heart just quickened. I will guide you through this. To ensure you don't drain your sister dry if you take too much from her, I will also have to turn her. Before you ask, I explained this to her, and she agreed. A-are you angry with me?"

"Angry? No. I didn't want to die, Silas. You need me; the kids need me. I could never be mad at you for saving my life." I spoke, making him smile as he pulled me close to him and rested our heads together. "I love you for enteral." I quickly pulled away, looking at his smirking face.

"That's how you called Celeste and Lenora all the fucking time. You can mind linked?"

"Only with the people I turn. No, you are not my servant, and you don't have to call me Master unless you want to."

Silas laughed, winking, as I slapped his chest. He tried his best to be funny, but my problem was my vision as it started to blur, and the room spun. Quickly I grabbed ahold of Silas's shirt while a flash of something crossed my mind.


"Silas, I believe they are going to try to kill me."

"I would never let that happen, Yasmine. You know this." I sighed as I paced back and forward, rocking a small Siren in my arms. A small whine escaped her lips, which caused Silas to jump to his feet, taking her from my arms.

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