Something Feels Strange

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Our wedding is today, and I have been awake since three in the morning, pacing the floor and worrying about all the possible outcomes. Yes, I know this should be the happiest day of a girl's life. However, I couldn't help but feel something was about to happen. I tried to control my emotions by considering all the positive outcomes this could have. That joy was stolen from Silas and me centuries ago. Even though I am aware of it, only fragments of it are currently coming to mind. Knowing how much my grandmother despised me was the toughest part.

I let out a breath, combing my hands through my hair. It amazed me how much it had grown over the past month when little Elias decided to whine in his sleep. Silas, the man who claimed he wanted shit to do with him, jumped from his sleep, leaping to his son. The sight made me smile. He didn't even see me standing in the middle of the floor as he hurried by, leaving the room with the baby in his arms. I would have followed, but I figured he needed this time. We were both getting used to the fact we had a baby. Hell, to the fact I was pregnant and didn't even know.

I sat in the chair and glanced at the clock, which read 8:40 am. I had been pacing the floor for five hours without hinting of sleepiness. One thing I've noticed in the past month is that vampires don't need much sleep, but we still manage to complete the task. We get our energy from the blood, which Silas had enough of while consuming very little. He ate like a person and may have had one or two cups of coffee daily, unlike me and the others, I noticed. Maybe it was the way he trained his body, if that was possible.

I sighed once more as I recalled how I hadn't a clue what was going on with me four days prior. My stomach felt like it was being torn in half, and I was in pain. My common sense should have alerted me to the problem. I have been a vampire for a full month and have not sat on a toilet since the day I was transformed. On that particular day, I had the urge to urinate or shit— maybe both, hell, I wasn't sure. I heard him hit the water, but I was too terrified to look, so I went to find Lenora, and Celeste followed. Lenora told me right away that it was a second rat and questioned why it didn't emerge with the first one.

I wiped my tears as they dropped and thought, "Damn, I was such an idiot." Consider the what-if possibilities and other nonsense that came to mind when Silas strolled back in.

"Why are you crying, baby? Did I do something wrong? You wanted to feed him." As he handed me, Elias, Silas questioned. I shook my head no, rubbing his little back while listening to his baby noises.

"There is nothing you did wrong. I was thinking about how grateful I am. I never believed I would have you or our beautiful children, yet here we are."

"Yasmine, I understand that, but you're lying to me. What do you think I am? You fail to remember that I can sense your feelings. Since ours are connected, I am aware of your emotions at all times, including anger, happiness, and sadness. You may not can distinguish between my feelings and yours, but I have decades on you."

I couldn't think of anything to say to him as he smirked and waited for me to respond to his question. "I was thinking how foolish I was. I wasn't aware that I was in labor, Silas. What if he was human? He may have died."

"Yes, Yasmine, but you are not a fool. Many women in this world go into labor and are unaware of it until the baby is delivered and placed in their arms. You didn't make this mistake. Your aunt and Celeste should have known better; they lied. Baby vampires need a lot, much like newborn infants do, or they will die, unlike us, who would turn feral without blood. They risked that with him. Luckily, I didn't kill them when Lenora turned my son into a fucking kitty and buried him in a shallow grave."

As soon as I started to speak, Siren burst into the room, followed closely by Ophelia and Lazarus, all three grinning as they ran up to the baby and me.

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