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~Kenna's POV~

      It's been a few days now in this wasteland. I'm halfway through my water and food since I have to water the horse and the wolves and of course they have to eat. Thank goodness this horse is strong, but I'm afraid in a few more days, he won't be able to go much further. 

      I've had the horse doing ten minute intervals of running and walking to give both of us the proper break and savor energy. I see something in the distance. I'm not sure what it is in this piercing hot sun, but I could swear it's bodies and some small tents. I make the horse run; if that is people than maybe they could help me!

      As I approach, I see that it IS people AND HORSES! As I grow closer, the people stand up and a man unsheathes his sword while the warmer skinned people take out these bent and weird looking swords. I believe they're called Arakh's if I remember correctly which I usually do.

      The whiter man stands defensively in front of a white-haired woman with the same colored eyes as me. Is that her natural hair color? How is that possible? He yells, "Halt!" My horse rears and Aragon and Freki growl and snarl. I yell, 'Wait! I mean no harm!" The white-haired woman asks while the warmer skinned people surround us, "You speak the common tongue?" I chuckle nervously, "If the 'common tongue' is English than yes."

      She asks, "What are you doing here?" I get off of the horse and explain, "I need help. I was thrown in the woods and have no where to go. I have some food and water to share, if that helps. Just please, don't kill me." She looks at me and I instinctively hold my stomach again. What is up with that?

      The whiter man asks, "You're from the North?" I nod and he sheathes his sword, "These direwolves are far from their home." I just look at her and she looks at him. Okay, so...maybe I SHOULD have thought this through before running my happy ass on over here. I say, "You've no reason to trust me, but I'm not here to harm anyone. If you let me stay you can have my food and water and I'll protect you." She asks, "What makes you think I need protecting?" 

      I say, "I'm sure you don't, but what's the harm in EXTRA protection? I'm pretty good with a sword and I'm an excellent marksman." I see her and a smaller woman next to her look at my water. I say, "you're thirsty," as I grab my water and hand it to her, "Here." They look skeptical and he insists, "You first." I nod and take a quick swig. Nothing happens and they look relieved. I hand it to her and I can see the pity and sympathy in her eyes. 

      She says, "You may stay with us." She passes the water around and everyone gets a single swig, but all of it's gone by the time that it gets back to me. She asks, "Is there more water where you came from?" I nod, "yes, but I'm not sure how far away it is. It's been a few days since I left there." The whiter man says, "May I see your sword?" I'm skeptical at first, but I hand it to him, eyeing him to make sure that he doesn't use it against me.

      He says, "This is dragon steel. It's very hard to make. Where did you acquire it?" I explain, "It was made for me by Robb Stark." She looks uneasy and I hear loud cries from some king of animal. I see baskets and I see a dragon head and tail. I'm taken aback. Dragons freaking exist? I say, "I-i won't use it on your dragons; I give you my word." The whiter man gives me back my sword and I hold my hand out, "My name is Kenna Snow." The whiter man says, "Jorah Mormont. This is Daenerys Stormborn of house Targaryen, The first of her name, mother of dragons, the khaleesi of the great grass sea, and the uburnt and Khaleesi of this khalasar." That's a long title but I'm sure that she's earned it. I bow my head, "My lady." 

      I ask, "if I may ask, why are you all stuck out here?" She responds, "We could no longer stay where we were so we're trying to find a new place to stay as well." I look and see children. I say, "There's children, are you sure you all will survive at this rate?" She explains, I have people searching in the different areas for a place to stay." I nod and say, "I'll be honored to stay with you, my lady."

- End of Chapter 28 -

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