Chapter 16

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October arrived in the blink of an eye. Y/n had been moody for the past weeks due to the cancellation of the quidditch season, and the new DADA teacher had not been helpful to her attitude.
A crazy old auror known as Mad Eye Moody was the new man in the place. Everyone was exited for his first lesson, but soon found it was not what they expected on a first class.
He had made a sitting plan, to Y/n's luck Draco was her partner, something that disappointed Zach and Blaise, but equally amused Daphne. The class began alright, until the lunatic decided that for their first lesson, they'd be learning the unforgivable curses, a gruesome subject for fourth years, and definitely shook many in the class, specially Harry and Neville, who both went pale at the curses that they linked to childhood traumas.
Classes that followed were not that much of an improvement. Moody was placing the imperious curse to see who could fight it off...


The great day of the arrival, they were all taken out into the courtyard to await for their guests, who seemed to last an eternity in the cold air of autumn.

The Beauxbaton's delegation appeared in a house sized powder blue carriage, driven by what Y/n recognized as abraxan horses.
A big woman stepped out first, an elegance and manner emanating from her, closely followed by her students who wore also powder blue robes, too thin for this weather honestly. As they spotted the French gentlemen who passed in front of the girls and gave them small bows and winks, both Daphne and Y/n had fallen into silent giggling that annoyed Blaise and Zach. Somehow the Verla girl didn't have much of an effect on them.

Shortly after, the Durmstrang gang arrived dramatically by a boat erupting from the depths of the black lake. Their headmaster Igor Karkarof in front, guiding none other than the star Viktor Krum, and in a fast pace, the rest of his students.

Once they all went inside, the hogwarts students retook their house seats, enjoyed dramatic entrances from their guests, and began the feast.
To all the Slytherin's delight, the Durmnstrang students joined their table, and soon after Y/n, Draco and Flint were in an engaging conversation about quidditch with Krum.

Once their plates were empty, Dumbledore and the guest headmasters stood.
"After being well fed, it is my pleasure to give an official beginning to the Triwizard tournament!"
A loud cheering
The headmaster went onto a dramatic speech about the tournament and the greatness it accompanied winning it, which didn't really appeal to the Slytherin house greatly, perhaps because of their nature to act on self preservation, but still caught most of the students attention.
"I must warn, that no one under the age of seventeen is allowed to enter themselves into this tournament. This in order to ensure safety." Groans and screams followed.
Y/n could've sworn she head the twins screams "THAT'S RUBBISH!"


A great cup emerged from the crate, and positioned itself in the great hall. They were dismissed and in the shower of exited and nervous chatter and theories of who might enter themselves, followed them into their common room.


Through the next day, Daphne and Y/n spent a great deal of their free time hanging around the cup to see who might enter themselves.
They saw handsome Cedric Diggory from Hufflepuff, almost all of the Durmstrang delegates, a good amount of Beauxbatons students, including the veela girl, a Gryffindor girl Y/n didn't recognize, and in a mental attempt, Fred and George.

"Ready Fred?"
"Ready George!"
"Bottoms up!" They said in unison.

As expected their potion didn't work out, but everyone enjoyed them growing long silver beards.

"Lovely beards boys!" Jeered Y/n on her way back to class passing the twins.

At dinner, they were to see who the champions would end up to be, so unlike ever, everyone was early and already at the great hall waiting.

They ate and chatted nervously, the room was filled with tension and excitement, expectant even.

After everyone was finished, Dumbledore stood and the cup was brought back into the hall. They all waited in a deadly silence until suddenly the flames went from blue to red, the floor shook slightly, and a paper was thrown from the flames.
"The Champion for Durmstrang, is Victor Krum!"
He was guided into a side room, and silence fell once more.

"The champion for Beauxbatons is... Fleur Delacour!"
Many cheered, but the news seemed to have annoyed most of her classmates, apparently she wasn't the one they expected.

The air was heavy, the next champion was to be the Hogwarts one, and everyone was holding their breath and fixed their eyes on the cup. It came the flames and the shaking of the floor, and the paper form the flames.
"The Hogwarts champion is... CEDRIC DIGGORY!"
Cheering and clapping erupted as the handsome boy made his way to the side room. Y/n felt exited, after all Hufflepuff rarely got any glory, so the winning was well deserved.

Dumbledore began to speak when the odds of anything happened. Y/n looked at Draco who had noticed too, the floor was shaking again. Suddenly, the flames turned red, and another, a fourth piece of parchment came from the flames.
"Ha-Harry Potter!" Said Dumbledore in a voice that mixed anger and confusion.

The hall was then engulfed by a stunned and deadly silence. All eyes on the boy who lived...

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