Chapter 34

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Quidditch had become her escape. She spent her days trying to act as though everything was fine, like the world wasn't falling apart at all...

A few matches had gone by, they had a win against Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, and a loss to Gryffindor. She was scheduling practices as often as she could to keep her mind working on something else.
When she was not playing or training, she was attending Professor Slughorn's suppers and parties. She usually attended with Blaise, but they didn't enjoy them much, Potter was Slughorn's crown jewel and there weren't any other Slytherins. They were usually an excuse for Y/n to avoid noticing Draco. He had started to disappear from classes, meals, and she now rarely saw him. Many odd things had happened, and she feared they had to do with him. First, a Gryffindor girl named Katie Bell had been cursed and sent to St Mungo's, and then Ron Weasley had been intoxicated and nearly poisoned. Draco seemed so tense and out of place, she could not bear it. She kept her distance, for both of their sake.

This however, had proved to become impossible. Suddenly, the golden trio, but mostly Potter, had started to try and get friendly with her, being nice and non judging. She knew they wanted to know what Draco was up to. She hated to say it, but the only Weasley she respected were Fred and George, as Ginny and Ronald had not had any good impressions so far.
It was also, as Draco kept getting himself on detentions and in trouble for doing whatever he was up to, and on more than one chance, she had been the one forced to tell him the times and places.

As December arrived, things weren't looking any brighter. All her friends's families had now been somehow connected to the Death Eaters, none of them had been marked like Draco, but they now were part. Aunt Zabini had fled the country, in an attempt not to get recruited. She was hiding in South America at Lyron Manor, but only Y/n and her family knew. Not even Blaise or his mum. Her internal conflict was turning so hard to handle she was close to isolating herself from the world. One thought came recurring to her head, and her friends had given her reminders of it as well. It haunted her.

Eventually, wether she liked it or not, she would have to pick a side.

It scared her, where her heart would point. It was no mystery that if she joined the Order, she would never in a million years, dare hurt her friends or their families, but se too knew that they would have no choice, they either kill or get murdered...


As she got off the platform, she was quickly stirred away, barely giving her chance of saying goodbye.

"We are spending Christmas at the Burrow"

"What? Why?"

"There has been some funny business going on in our neighbor's house, I'd rather you don't get suddenly stranded there"

Y/n gave an incredulous grunt, and followed along. After all, she was not supposed to care what was up with Draco, they had supposedly cut all ties.

"Also, it would be better if you didn't go writing to your house friends, so not to give your location dear"

"Why? Think my best pals are Death Eaters mother?"

"Maybe not them, but their families" whispered Gemini. Danger in her every syllable. She gave her daughter a warning look and helped her with the trunk to the house.

"We leave tomorrow morning. Don't put a toe out of this house, it has been sealed"

Y/n felt her insides disappear. Sealed? Is this truly getting so bad?
She halfheartedly greeted her grandparents and excused herself to her room.
After taking a long shower, she laid in bed, looking at the high white ceiling. Feeling numb to the world.

"Sweetheart? We are leaving for a meeting" knocked Mrs Lyron.

Y/n didn't move, merely gave her an empty sigh showing she understood.

Her grandmother came in and sat in the end of the bed. Her bed was queen sized, she looked like a tiny starfish in the middle of it, but she still felt how the corner slightly sunk at her grans weight. "I'm sorry your heart had to be broken my dear"
Her voice was soothing. Understanding. "Your mother is worried, our heart can make us make mistakes, and she doesn't want to loose you for getting blinded by your emotions"

"I guess"

"Are you in love?"

Y/n didn't reply in that instance. Was she? So much flashed on her head. "I don't know what it is to be in love, so, I don't know"

Mrs Lyron smiled. "A wise answer". Y/n felt the corners of her lips slightly turn up. "If, if you are in love, and the young man in the house beside is too, life will find it's way to bring you together once more"

"That was so Ravenclaw of you Abuelita" Y/n smiled.

Her grandmother planted a kiss on her forehead. "On a serious note, please don't leave the terrains of Valerian's Hall, stay here while we are away"

"Yes abuelita"

"Sweet angel"

"Thank you"

Mrs Lyron left the room, leaving the door slightly ajar so Y/n could hear them leave.

She got dressed and wandered out of her room onto the garden. She walked around the small labyrinths of hedges and valerians, a tear or two falling sudden.

Draco's POV————

Things at home were far from better than Hogwarts. His mother was fragile and cried very often. His father was still imprisoned, but he knew that it was a matter of time before the break out, the Dark Lord was to get the Dementors to desert soon.

He spent his time alone in his room, looking out the window for a glimpse of her.
He'd seen her in her art room, which faced his way, but she hadn't seen him.

Today, he saw her walking around her garden absentmindedly. All he desired was to run to her and beg her to disappear, to go into safety, to flee. But he knew it was not going to happen. It was now suspected her family was part of the Order of the Phoenix...

He walked into his own garden and sat by the dividing hedges. He felt the shield that had been put up over her house, it was being protected from intruding with strong magic.
He felt her steps grow closer.


He smiled. It sounded slightly muffled due to the seal, but hearing her call his name had suddenly given him life.

"Can you come?"

"I don't think I'm allowed inside your house, I'm-"
But he didn't dare finish the phrase.
"I don't know how"

"I do. Take a rock or something from around you"

He did as she said.

"Got it? Now, tap your wand over it, visualize my garden, and when you're ready, say portus"

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