Chapter 37

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There was commotion in the castle, people from all houses running up and down the stairs, coming to a halt on the great hall.

All of a sudden, Harry Potter came rushing and ran out of the gates. What on earth was happening?
Her mind raced to Draco, he had been released of the Hospital Wing that evening from being nearly maimed by Potter.
"Oh shit" she said.
Blaise, Daphne and Pansy turned to her, and soon realization came to them too. They took advantage of the chaos and sneaked past students, far below in the castle grounds, Hagrid's cabin was on fire, allowing them a peek of his unmistakable blond hair, followed by a small group of black shadows.

"It's been done, hasn't it? Whatever he was supposed to do?" She asked whispering.

"It seems like" said Blaise.

All of a sudden, a group of people screamed, near the bottom of the Astronomy Tower. They followed to see what had happened. As soon as they stepped outside, the Dark Mark illuminated eerily the grounds. Y/n's heart began pounding in her ears, she was starting to feel numb. They finally approached the group surrounding, to Y/n's utter horror, the dead body of the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore lied on the grass.

As students began to head back to the castle, horror filled Y/n. Had he been the one to do it? She looked to her friends. They were pale but expressionless. Perhaps she did too.
"Potter" she breathed.
Frantic, she began to look for the boy through the tumult of students, barely noticing who she moved out the way.
At last, she saw a flash of fiery red hair holding someone. She followed.

"I must be sorry but I got to steal your boyfriend for a moment" said Y/n sudden and abrupt it barely gave time for either to react.
She was now holding his arm so tight she might leave a mark.

"Hey! Cant you see that this is no time for interrogating him? Don't you know what happened you prat?" Growled Ginny

"Yeah well I don't show tact to those who never showed it to me" she snapped coldly. It seemed from another person's voice, but at this moment she didn't care. She needed to know.

She stirred him away and into an empty classroom. "I know you don't have time, I just need one answer. Did he do it?" She asked rushing.

At last, he sat stone still. "You knew? You knew all this time?" He asked in a strangled whisper.

"I didn't know he had to murder, nor that the victim was Dumbledore himself, ANSWER ME!" She demanded. Her command was strong and clear, her face was expressionless, as not to let him read her, but inside she could feel cold water rushing through her veins, making her numb and dumbstruck.

"You knew he was a Death Eater! And that he was up yo something! You knew and you let everyone think I had gone mental!" He snapped, he looked revolted with anger at the realization.

"Yeah well we are not particularly friends are we? I wouldn't sell the man I love to some idiot with a hero complex don't you think?" She snapped back with a hollow laugh.

He didn't reply, she was getting desperate. "ANSWER ME HARRY POTTER!" She screamed with bitter cold. She was now holding him by the collar of his jumper.

He seemed so taken aback by her rage that he chose to give up the bickering and answering, too tired and sad to go on. "He was there but he didn't do it, he was lowering his wand. It was Snape" he looked strained to look at her.

She let go of his robes and left the room. Walking without thinking, making her way to the common room.
As she entered, she noticed how almost the entire house was sitting in the common room, looking mournful or stressed. She found her friends.

"Where had you gone?" Asked Blaise in a quiet whisper. Tension filled the room. He still looked expressionless.

"Interrogating the chosen one" she whispered simply.

They turned to look at her, a speck of curiosity on their otherwise empty face. "He didn't do it, it was Severus" she whispered quietly, so only they could catch her words.

They looked conflicted at this news, she didn't understand why, but the chance to ask never came. Professor Slughorn had come into the room. "It is my regret to say that Professor Snape has fled the school tonight, I shall be your head of house in the meantime."
"Please follow me, Professor McGonagall will explain everything to you in the great Hall" he said in a passive, almost soothing voice.

They followed, they had been the last house to arrive into the hall, all heads turned to look at them, none with less than deepest loathing and hatred. Great. More reasons for Slytherin to be hated.

The Slytherins sat quietly. Every single one was pale, but expressionless. There was not a chance that anyone would let their expression or thought be read, specially now with every other pointing at them as though every problem was their fault.

"I have gathered you tonight, because there has been a tragic incident. Headmaster Albus Dumbledore has been murdered"
Lovely. The one to explain had to be a Gryffindor.
Her thoughts snapped her off the speech, her mind wandering, slowly things were downing on her, what this meant. Please don't hate me. I have to do something bad.
His words repeated themselves on her head.


The entirety of Slytherin house left the following morning. None stayed for the funeral.
It was enough being pointed at and looked at with such hatred, to then also have to endure murmurs of them being hypocrites for attending the funeral...

Gemini and her grandparents did go to the funeral. Y/n stayed shut down in her room. She felt hollow, angry, tired, confused, sad, awfully disappointed.

How can they expect good from you, since from the day you become a Slytherin they automatically tag you as evil?
Don't they realize, they mark our path, because being good is nearly impossible with them blocking that way?

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