Chapter 1: Noticing

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Let's zoom a few years later, shall we? Whoosh. Wash. Wish. Boom. Pow.

Okay, that's the worst time travel impression that's ever been done in the world. Pathetic, I know.

Excuse my failed attempt.


Well today, it's August 20, 2021.

Yup, that's right. I'm finally gonna be starting in my 5th year.

And about time too!


Were you expecting me to be talking about on how the world's so futuristic now? Well I hate to break it to you, but all of that is just full of hippogriff shit.

Excuse my foul and explicit profanity (As how Rose likes to call it). I'm expressive. Oh so help me Merlin.

But I'm serious, all that maid robots and metallic and silver clothing are all so stereotypical. The Wizard World seems quite the same as how it was more than 20 years ago. Apart from a few minor updates on certain things.

The Muggle World didn't have much of a drastic change. The Queen of England already died a 8 years back and her son, Charles (Former Prince of Wales), took over the throne. Though he is getting old as well, so I assume his son, Prince William's gonna be the next in line once his daddy goes bye-bye.

But aside from that, there hasn't been much of a futuristic change. They finally got most cars running on battery now, since the value of oil is starting to go up. So that means gas prices go drastically up as well.

I know, total rip off. It sucks.

And they already finished completing holographic video calls and videos. So right now, they're trying to do something about transporting people virtually in a game.

Up recently, the muggle's been researching on teleportation. Though I highly doubt they'll get it. Maybe in another 30 years they'll finish up research.

But never mind the current time, let's get to my life.

Oh trust me, you're gonna want to hear this.

Anyway, a lot has happened since I first met Al and his family. I got pregnant, I'm the class slut, Dad died in a freak accident, and I somehow managed to grow a tail.

So basically: I was a freak.

Okay, I'm totally laughing my ass off if you believed that.

I was joking!

Gosh, take a joke people.

Ha-ha ha-ha? No?

Well codswap to you too then.

But let's be serious here, a lot really has happened since then though.

And no, there's no shagging, getting pregnant, or growing out a tail. I'm actually a virgin believe it or not, so I can't get pregnant.

Dad never died, thank Merlin, God, Dumbledore, and magic.

And I don't even know how growing out a tail fits in this story.

Oh well.

I'm actually a pretty decent kid. I actually do my homework and get good grades!

All thanks to one of my best mates Rose. So she makes my homework schedule tight. Thanks a lot, Rosie.

Okay, fine. I'll admit. I'm not a complete saint. I tend to get in trouble sometimes. Most of the time it's because I've done some pranks, have broken a few rules, talked a lot, or have been caught in the corridors at night. So that all results in detention.

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