Chapter 12: Jealousy

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Lizze's POV

"Darling, ready to go?" Rose asked me, grabbing a small purse in her hands. I took one last look in the mirror, then nodded.

"I'll have to leave this room sooner or later." I told her, rolling my eyes.

Before we could go down the stairs, I told Rose to go down without me, telling her I forgot something in my room. All in all, I wanted her to have her dramatic entrance and I didn't want to impose. 'Sides, I sorta did kind of wanted to go solo myself, anyway. I pretended to go halfway to my room, but when she was almost down the stairs, I hurried at the top of the staircase, peeking around the corner, seeing how her entrance went.

She actually manage to get down there without tripping.

Cue applause.

Down there were a couple Gryffindor students, but all I could recognize was Al, Fred, and Scorpius (Not surprised on how he got in here). Scorpius was standing nervously, while Al and Fred were lounging on the couch waiting.

The look on Scorpius's face when Rose made her entrance was priceless. He looked like he died and went to heaven. As if he couldn't almost believe it. Rose did look beautiful tonight. One day, those two are gonna get married, and have blonde or red-headed babies.



Heck yeah.

Malfoy-Weasley Hybrids...Wow, who knew? Malfoys and the Weasleys...Ha! Ron would die.

The face on Al and Fred's face wasn't as shocking as Scorp's face though. They merely looked proud of their cousin, giving her a kiss on the cheek, saying she looked gorgeous.

"Liz!" Rose shouted. "You done yet? Hurry up! You are leading the first dance, you know."

"Coming!" I shouted back from the hallways.

Yup. Here we go. Cue dramatic entrance.

Gosh, I'm so dramatic. That's what Dad always said.

I picked up my dress a bit, so that I wouldn't step on it and trip and crash at the end of the stairs. And I managed to glide gracefully down the stairs.

I should totally have a nice wind going through my hair, and have my dress flow behind me cooly, and then I should have some kind of theme music going in the backround. It was cheesy and cliche, but it's awesome.

As I approached them, I almost laughed at their reactions. This was just all too much. Scorpius looked somewhat impressed, Fred lit up like a bulb, Al looked like he wasn't breathing? Or he looked stricken. However Rose on the other hand looked like she wanted to wet herself. She looked like she wanted to cry. She's always been the over emotional one.

And they say I'm dramatic.

But I did like how the boys were all cleaned up. All the boys were wearing their black tuxedo dress robes. Scorp had a green bow tie, matching Rose's dress, Fred had a black bow tie and to be honest, looked pretty good. And I have to be even more honest, but Al looked quite dashing as well. He was wearing a bright Gryffindor red tie (Guess he wasn't a bow person).

"AAAH!" She shrieked. Dear Merlin, womanQ My ear drums! Everyone grimaced at her shriek/squeal. "I'm sorry! It's just that, you look so beautiful!" Oh god, she resembled a mother who was excited to see her daughter off for her first dance. I hope to Merlin, and to God, and to my dear mother who's in heaven that Rose doesn't have a camera with her.

Please, heavens. If you have any pity on me, please let Rose not have a camera.

"Pity though, I don't have a camera." Rose sighed. OMG, HALLELUJAH! PRAISE THE LORD, MERLIN, AND MY MOTHER! Cue heaven angel calls. I mentally did a happy dance. I guess I'll do it when we're actually dancing on the dance floor later.

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