The Purple Jacket

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The bell rings at noon at school for them to have a lunch break. All the students are released, with most of them looking at their phones. Donnie is one of them as he's wearing a big purple jacket to conceal himself. Aina walks along with him as he strode around the school. Donnie chuckles as people are staring at him and Aina grabs his arm, walking up to the entrance normally. They make it up the stairs as some people are staring at Aina, since their not used to seeing at school again.

They make it to the computer lab, where April is typing away on one of the computers. Three shuriken are thrown near her that says 'I'm here!' with the exclamation point included.


She glances at Aina, who points up to the ceiling. April looks up and gasps as Donnie's hanging onto the ceiling lights. They move and he falls, landing on the chair near Amy.

"Hi Donnie. Thanks for coming," April waves at him.

"No probbles," Donnie grins at Amy, shaking off the shurikens.

"I LOVE this place!" Donnie uses the chair to spin around, Aina taking a seat to the right side of April. Donnie sniffs the air, causing everyone to stare at him. "Smells like learning, puberty."

Aina then shushes him. "Glad you're excited, but you need to keep it down."

"Cool, right, gotcha." He winked at her and sat back down. "So what do you need help with?"

"My computer science project," April gestures to her computer. "Just need you to check the code to make sure I haven't missed anything."

Donnie pushes past her to do his magic. "Oh, you have no idea how lucky you both are to be in school, girls. Surrounded by true intellectuals. Scholars after my own heart that are splendid and gorgeous purple satin jackets. Wait, what?!" He's looking at three kids who have the biggest space in the room. "Purple satin jackets?! The shimmery, the exquisite violet hue, the silkiness of the fabric. It has everything I love and even things I didn't know I loved yet!"

"Donnie," April places one of her feet in front of him. "If you're drooling here, something's gonna short-circuit."

Aina chuckled and closes his mouth.

"They must be the kings and queens of high school," Donnie fantasizes with a grin.

"The Purple Dragon Tech Club?" April asks in disbelief. "Yeah, if by kings and queens you mean stuck-up jerks who think they're smarter than everyone else."

"Oh, that's what I was hoping you'd say!" Donnie spins around in his chair.

"I could care less about the people in this school besides April. And the Purple Dragon Tech Club are people you don't want to mess with." Aina warned.

"Okay, let's run the Nakamura simulation," The leader, Kendra, is wearing a teal shirt underneath her purple jacket, a red beanie, black pants, and black flats. She also has teal lipstick, piercings, and long light purple hair. "Try not to get caught this time."

Jase, the initiate of the group, has a pair of simulation goggles on him. His environment changes as he types away, laughing. "Ha, I'm in! I bypassed the security protocols!"

"Nice work, Jase!" Kendra congratulates near Jeremy, an African America boy with yellow glasses, green hair, orange pants, and white sneakers. "Nice work. Let's take him down a peg," she glances at Jeremy.

"You got it, chief," He activates simulated dogs.

"I have an irrational fear of dogs!" Jase screams and the simulation is shorted out, Kendra and Jeremy laughing. The two do a signature handshake, Donnie looking in awe.

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