Chapter 7: Bygones be Bygones

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Note: This Chapter takes place from Roland's Perspective and takes place after the Vault Hunters inform the Jakobs Corporation of Dr Ned's true motives.

Roland POV

It had been some time since we arrived at Jakob's Cove. At first we were approached by a Claptrap who suggested we speak to Dr Ned. First we looked for him at his Infirmary but he was already gone, before we could get there. We eventually tracked him down to an old treehouse in Hallows End, there he instructed us to locate a cure at some old hospital. 

When we went to take the cure back to Ned's Claptrap we found out it had been hacked and we also found out that Ned was actually trying to build a zombie army. This in turn lead us to Dead Haven where we found Echo recordings to prove this fact true.

Upon returning to Jakobs Cove to stock up before our confrontation with Ned after that we were once again met with the new Jakobs Claptrap.

Image of the Jakobs Representative Claptrap:

The Claptrap was stood by the Bounty Board and as we approached, he gestured to it before exclaiming "There's a new Bounty available!" We checked it and sure enough there was a new bounty

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The Claptrap was stood by the Bounty Board and as we approached, he gestured to it before exclaiming "There's a new Bounty available!" We checked it and sure enough there was a new bounty.

There wasn't much detailing the job but regardless I pressed the button to accept it. Almost instantly upon pressing the button my Echo went off. I let the call come through and was surprised to see Colonel Y/N Knoxx on the other end.

I was about to hang up but he began to speak "Before you shut off the Echo I have a quick favor to ask of you. Yes I know about our history, but please hear me out. I'm sure by now you've seen the hoards of Zombies here? Well they've infected the ranks of the Crimson Lance as well. Some of those men are good people so-"

He took a deep breath before saying "So what I'm asking is for you to kill them for me, put them out of their misery. If you do this for me, you can consider us square. I'll stop trying to kill you. And I can promise you a reward I think you'll find suitable for your efforts. Y/N out."

With that he hung up and I turned to the others. Lilith asked "We're not honestly believing him are we?" I responded "What choice do we have? If we refuse, he'll just send more Lance soldiers after us."

Mordecai grinned "Then I guess it's back to Dead Haven then?" I nodded as we returned to the boat. I then noticed the mission objective pop up on my Echo.

Lance Zombies killed: 0/25


Upon arriving at Dead Haven, we decided to begin our search. Almost instantly we were attacked by the common Zombies however among these were a few wearing Crimson Lance armor. They were definitely more armored and stronger than your standard Zombie. 

Image of a Lance Zombie:

Killing the Zombies wasn't too difficult but at the same time it wasn't easy either

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Killing the Zombies wasn't too difficult but at the same time it wasn't easy either. As I mentioned before, they were more armored, luckily we had our corrosive weapons to deal with them while Mordecai used his fire modified sniper to pick off the lesser Zombies.

Eventually we did kill 25 Lance Zombies as we were notified that we could now turn in the Bounty. We returned back to Jakobs Cove and turned in the bounty. Upon doing so we were once again contacted by Y/N.

"Hey. I appreciate you doing this for me. Now as promised, here's your reward, I hope this serves you well. Also, you can count on me no longer sending assassins to kill you. But that doesn't apply to other Lance higher ups so be on your guard. Y/N out."

Again he hung up and I saw the gun that was deposited out, it was a shotgun of an Atlas build which made sense and seemed to be decent for the job.

Image of the reward shotgun (Only it's purple rarity):

The others also got Atlas guns, Lilith got an SMG, Mordecai got a Sniper and Brick got a Rocket Launcher

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The others also got Atlas guns, Lilith got an SMG, Mordecai got a Sniper and Brick got a Rocket Launcher. Now we had that matter out of the way, it was now time to confront Dr Ned.

Author's Note: That ends Chapter 7. I'm sorry it's short, this chapter was meant to be reminiscent of a side mission, hence why it was straight to the point. However I really hope you enjoyed and once again thank you for reading. I will try and get the next chapter up tomorrow.

Crimson Lance Reborn (Borderlands x Male Crimson Lance Reader)Where stories live. Discover now