Chapter 40: The Blood of the Ultimate Coward

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I simply sat and watched as Piston geared his blimp, ready to attack the Vault Hunters. To my surprise I heard Moxxi's voice yelling "Piston! You know your not allowed to interfere with ranked matches!" Piston responded cockily saying "Rules don't apply to the champ baby."

Moxxi retorted, maintaining a cocky persona "Once my Vault Hunter destroys your airship, they're gonna stomp your cheating ass into the dirt!" Piston was enraged at the accusation of being a cheater as he yelled "I am not a cheater! These are tactics!"

Miniguns emerged from the sides of the blimp as they began to shoot at the Vault Hunters. Luckily for us some of Flyboy's old buzzards were still around to provide backup which at first made me actually believe the Vault Hunter would be out of my hair.

However it didn't take long for Salvador to realize that there were turrets nearby to shoot the buzzards down and then focus his firepower on the blimp. Eventually I heard Piston yelling "Goddamn shields are down!" 

After that it wasn't long until the Vault Hunter properly caused the blimp to become useless as the engines began exploding. Luckily I was able to escape via my teleporter, leaving Piston to die in the explosion. 

He had proven himself useless to me and in the end he was nothing more than a pathetic coward who cheated his way to the top. Unfortunately for me Piston wasn't actually dead and I received an enraged Echo from him moments later.

"You traitor! I'll tell you what. Come to the arena and watch me pulverize that Vault Hunter into a pile of mush and then I'll do the exact same to you! You here me you traitorous backstabbing coward!"

I just smirked and grunted before saying "Very well, I'll take your bet cheating coward." I heard Piston let out an enraged "AAAAAAAA!" Before abruptly shutting the Echo off. Afterwards surprisingly I Echoed Salvador and spoke.

"Vault Hunter, believe it or not, I regret working with Piston. I just need a single favor from you, kill him for me. I was planning to do it myself but I don't want to waste my bullets on that coward."

I shut it off before they could respond and headed directly to the arena right in the centre. I went to the viewing area and watched from a distance as I saw Salvador entering the arena which was completely empty, there was no cover or obstacles like usual.

Mr Torgue announced the beginning of the fight and suddenly I heard Piston's voice "PI told you to stay away Vault Hunter. But now it's time I fought you in single combat. Gladiator versus gladiator versus-"

I got a look at what Piston had created and was actually surprised and even somewhat impressed to see that he had created a giant robotic dinosaur. I heard Piston yelling "-GIANT GODAMN METAL T-REX!" As his creation breathed fire.

Image of the Badassasaurus:

I heard Piston's voice suddenly boom out of the machine "I AM NOT A CHEATER!" I assume someone had pushed that button once again

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I heard Piston's voice suddenly boom out of the machine "I AM NOT A CHEATER!" I assume someone had pushed that button once again. Regardless, I now watched with mild interest as Salvador fought off the giant construct with two automatic Torgue assault rifles.

The Badassasaurus was armed to the teeth, both literally and metaphorically with several automatic guns and rocket launchers. Not to mention it was heavily armored and almost considered indestructible.

Now I said ALMOST because Salvador shot it a few times with corrosive weaponry, damaging its armor and then proceeded to rail on it with the two Torgue assault rifles until eventually the Badassasaurus was defeated.

It shut down before sparking and eventually exploded. Moxxi announced to the crowd "The Badassasaurus has been destroyed!" I then heard Mr Torgue adding "IT WILL ALWAYS LIVE ON IN MY HEART!"

The Badassasaurus continued to explode until Piston was sent flying out of the mouth and crashed to the floor. As he stood up he muttered "You want it? You got it! Prepare to face the champ!"

The entire crowd began chanting "Cheater! Cheater! Cheater!" Piston tried to shut them up angered "Shut up. All of you, SHUT UP!" He attempted to fight Salvador himself but as I expected he was useless, even with his arm cannons and just like that Piston was dead.

Both Moxxi and Mr Torgue announced Salvador the Vault Hunter as Pandora's number one Badass as he had successful spilled the blood of the ultimate coward Piston. This in turn triggered the Vault to open as loot spiraled from the sky.

Upon noticing a lack of anything Eridian I decided to Echo the Vault Hunter saying "This changes nothing, but congratulations, you impressed me with your display Vault Hunter. Enjoy your reward, you've earned it."

With that I teleported away, leaving Torgue's tournament behind and unknowingly pursuing  a path that would lead to my eventual redemption. That is of course until I would be met by an old friend with a job offer from two evil twins.

But that wasn't for several years.

Author's Note: That concludes Chapter 40 and the Mr Torgue's Campaign of Carnage segment. Next up I will be doing my brief coverage of both Tales from the Borderlands and Commander Lilith and the fight for Sanctuary. The reason I've grouped these together is because they will both only be a single chapter each, the Commander Lilith may be more I don't know. They exist to cover a subject my brother mentioned when I mentioned about the story to him. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the Chapter and as always, thanks for reading.

Crimson Lance Reborn (Borderlands x Male Crimson Lance Reader)Where stories live. Discover now