Chapter 52: The Final Confrontation

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Just imagine the music above plays during the fight between Y/N and the Vault Hunters.


I had sent the message out to the Crimson Raiders, informing them that I possessed the Promethea Vault Key and judging from their reactions I knew they would be here shortly as was my plan.

Of course this was exactly what I wanted so I began planning for their impending arrival. Firstly I had to secure the only entrance into the Armory. I sent several Lance Infantry, Defenders, Engineers and even Pyros to guard the doorway.

I mean there were Lancers patrolling the highway leading to the Armory but I doubt they would be able to stall the Vault Hunters for long but still it was an extra line of defense.

Anyway, past the gateway there was a long stretch leading to a tunnel which served as the main entrance, naturally it was sealed shut, here I positioned two Devastators along with Medics and Rocketeers. 

Then in the final stretch before reaching the backup side entrance which I'm certain the Vault Hunters would use given that the original Vault Hunters used it during their initial siege of the Armory a decade ago. It was here that there were more Infantry and Rocketeers as well as Chemical Troopers and Shock Troopers.

Finally you came to the inside of the Armory. At first there were no soldiers, I wanted the path to be clears on the chance that they were able to get past the outer defenses. However then upon reaching the courtyard where the entrance to the armory was located, that is where I would be waiting for them.

And how was I planning to take on four Vault Hunters AND Lilith whom I'm certain would tag along, you may ask? Well that's where things get interesting.

Now you may remember that my Devastator suit was destroyed by the second Vault Hunters after Handsome Jack tampered with it causing it to malfunction and I only survived because of Angel's warning.

Well in the time since then I had my Devastator repaired back to working condition. On top of that I had made some upgrades, modifying the weapons so that they dealt Slag damage as well. I did all this with the use of Eridium.

Basically all I needed to do was get into the Devastator and wait. I returned to my office but I wasn't there long as I received a panicked Intercom message from the front gate exclaiming "Vault Hunters sighted at the Front Gate! Requesting backup!"

I shouted into the intercom in my office "Hold them off as best you can! Do not let them past!" I knew for certain that the soldiers had no hopes against Vault Hunters but I had a feeling that I did.

Sure enough the Vault Hunters were able to get past the security at the gate and when they did I Echoed them "So, you made it past the front gate huh? No matter. It's nothing compared to the challenge that awaits you."

I knew they would arrive at the courtyard soon so I instantly left my office, making my way along to where my Devastator was kept, coincidentally right under the courtyard. I put the helmet on, my purple eyes glowing like lights through the helmet's eye holes.

Getting into the Devastator suit I gave a gesture to a nearby soldier to push the button controlling the elevator. As I ascended I contacted the Vault Hunters giving them a final message. 

"Years I have spent suffering because of Vault Hunters. Your kind took everything from me. But now? It's my chance at making you suffer." Once I entered the courtyard I saw the Vault Hunters stood in front of me. Sure enough Lilith was with them however she didn't have her Siren markings.

I stretched my missile launcher arm out in front of me before firing at the Vault Hunters.

General Y/N Knoxx

End of the Line!

Instantly I called for backup in the form of two Devastator suits and several Infantry soldiers. I heard Lilith exclaiming "I'll deal with the soldiers, you handle Y/N and his suit!" I yelled angrily "Too scared to face me yourself Lilith?!"

You may have noticed that those were the same words Zarpedon said in her last moments but I didn't at the time. And much like her I would also end up failing at killing the Vault Hunters.

I aimed my shotgun arm at Zane and Moze before firing several Slagged shells at them. It didn't do all too much though but I kept going. I then turned my attention to Amara and FL4K who were also focusing their attention on me.

What I didn't notice was Lilith had already taken out my support and soon she was also firing at me. To make matters worse they were all using corrosive rounds which burnt through the armor of the Devastator mech.

Eventually it fell to the floor. It was completely useless now. Lilith obviously though I was dead as she began instructing them all to head inside and locate the Vault Key. She didn't get to finish when she noticed my suit open as I lept out of it onto the ground.

I landed before turning to them and smashing my staff on the ground, sending out a shockwave. I glared at them.

Y/N Knoxx Ascended

The Reborn Sentinel

Instantly I flipped and smashed my staff into the ground. A purple shockwave erupting forward. I then proceeded to shoot some purple orbs from my staff before calling my Royal Guards as backup.

Not that they were much use to me as they were killed straight away and I was left alone. Eventually my shied depleted and soon I was down completely. I clutched my staff before falling to the ground.

I was still alive somehow, but only barely I was dripping purple blood all over the floor. Lilith was about to approach me but soon there was a flash of fire and my eyes widened when I saw the Calypso twins stood in the Armory's courtyard.

I of course recognized Troy from our meeting on Eden 6 but the smaller girl with him was new to me. Obviously it didn't take me long to realize this was Tyreen.

Image of Tyreen Calypso:

Tyreen exclaimed joyfully "Well done Vault Thieves! Wow! Your like SUPER helpful aren't you?!" I was left confused, were they planning to kill me? Of course Troy answered my question "We were planning to kill him ourselves but seems you helped us ...

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Tyreen exclaimed joyfully "Well done Vault Thieves! Wow! Your like SUPER helpful aren't you?!" I was left confused, were they planning to kill me? Of course Troy answered my question "We were planning to kill him ourselves but seems you helped us out again, thanks for that."

All I could ask was "Why?" Tyreen turned to me and answered "Oh Y/N. Don't you understand? It's your power we need. If we leech that we're even closer to becoming actual Gods. It's nothing personal."

I was even more confused now "What's so special about my power?" Troy spoke "You see, it's obvious your staff once belonged to the Sentinel. WELL you didn't just inherit the power of the Sentinel, you BECAME the Sentinel."

I was left shocked, in picking up that staff I became the new Sentinel and now that would lead to my death. 

After that everything went black and I had no idea what happened afterwards but it was something that would shock me.

Author's Note: Here's a complete Chapter 52. Now I just wish to ask did any of you have an issue last night with an 'Internal Server Error'? Because I did, and I'm still having that issue now. I actually almost didn't update because I couldn't get to the 'My Stories' area luckily I discovered a workaround. Regardless, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and as always thank you for reading.

Crimson Lance Reborn (Borderlands x Male Crimson Lance Reader)Where stories live. Discover now