Chapter 30: Striking Fear and the Encounter

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After my failed attempt at assassinating Roland, let's just say Handsome Jack wasn't pleased. He ordered me to return with my men to the Crimson Enclave and 'establish a foothold on Pandora'. 

At first, I didn't really know what he meant by this but I eventually came to the conclusion, that since the Crimson Lance Reborn was a minor faction, under his control, he wanted it to be a faction that was known and feared throughout Pandora.

We returned to the Crimson Enclave and I went straight to my office, which was once my mother's office years ago. I sat with my head in my hands and thought, deep down, I knew I wanted to see Angel again but without Handsome Jack's permission I knew there was no chance of that happening.

Suddenly my train of thought was interrupted by an Infantry soldier bursting through my door exclaiming "Sir! We've found something that you may be interested in. My two Royal Guards aimed their guns at the intruding soldier as I placed my hand up to stop them.

"What is it? I asked questioningly. The soldier who was still gasping for air having ran all the way here from where he was originally stationed. "We intercepted a broadcast from a Crimson Raider in distress."

My eyes widened as I thought for a moment. If I was to ambush this Crimson Raider, then I may gain the attention of them maybe they would realize we were actually a valid threat and not just a relic of a forgotten age.

I turned to my guards and ordered them "Come with me." They saluted and yet again exclaimed "Yes sir!" I stood up and went out of the door, before I left entirely however I turned back around and addressed the soldier. "Order the men to fortify the base. I don't want any Bandits or the local beasts getting within a mile of here without being vaporized. However should and Hyperion Personnel show up? Echo me instantly. Do you understand?"

Just like the guards earlier he saluted saying "Sir! It will be done!" Without another word I turned around, my Royal Guards close behind. We exited the main building where my office was located and digistructed a Lancer from the nearby Catch a Ride which had been modified so it could digistruct Lancers.

Now originally all the ones in the T-Bone Junction region could do the same but after the fall of the Crimson Lance, Scooter wiped the plans from the system. We actually had to modify the Catch a Ride machine at the Crimson Enclave to give us access to the Lancer making us the only place to access one.

With that out of the way we set the waypoint to the coordinates given to us by the Infantry soldier earlier and began our drive. The waypoint lead us to an area in Three Horns Divide, the area in question was actually inaccessible via vehicle so to reach it we had to exit the Lancer and proceed on foot. 

Almost instantly we were attacked by the creatures native to the area, the Bullymongs, giant four-armed beasts who could hurl rocks with ease.

Image of a Bullymong:

Image of a Bullymong:

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