Chapter 43: Promethea and the Offer from Atlas

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About seven years had passed since the fall of Handsome Jack and about five or six had passed since the defeat of Colonel Hector and the destruction of Sanctuary. In this time, I was doing the only thing I could think of.

My objective was to rebuild the Crimson Lance Reborn. Luckily Hector only destroyed our main base of operations, the soldiers that were elsewhere all survived. So once I deemed the timing appropriate, I contacted them and ordered them to our new base of operations.

Where was that you may ask? It was back in Old Haven. One of the first places I visited after arriving on Pandora. The Crimson Enclave was still overgrown with plants and nearly useless but we were able to salvage some things like weapons and Devastator suits. And while we were less in numbers than before, we were still better off than the Crimson Raiders were right now.

Today however was when my life changed for the better. It started when an unknown  ship arrived and landed in the centre of town. A hatch opened and several soldiers in red and white armor exited.

At first I was left confused but then I was surprised to see the word 'Atlas' written on their shoulder pads. All my remaining soldiers surrounded them and aimed their guns at the newcomers but I stopped them.

Image of new Atlas Soldiers (Y/N's soldiers still wear the old uniform):

Image of new Atlas Soldiers (Y/N's soldiers still wear the old uniform):

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One of the soldiers stepped forward and spoke. "Colonel Y/N Knoxx. We have come on the behalf of the Atlas Corporation. Our CEO has requested your presence on Promethea." I looked at them before stating a fact. "Atlas abandoned me on Pandora years ago and to my knowledge shortly after they fell flat on their faces and haven't been heard from in over a decade."

The lead soldier responded "I have this message from the CEO himself. He pulled out a device and instead of communication via Echo, a hologram appeared. He was a relatively young man with a metal arm and what seemed like an Echo eye.

"Hey, um is this thing on? Right, Rhys Strongfork here, CEO of the NEW Atlas Corporation. I have an important offer for Colonel Y/N Knoxx. If your interested please come to Atlas HQ on Promethea and I'll fill you in."

The hologram shut off and I looked back at my soldiers before turning to the new arrivals. I thought about their offer and responded "Very well. But I'm bringing some of my own soldiers with me for insurance."

The lead soldier nodded and simply responded by saying "Okay then, this way please." He gestured inside the ship as I cued my Royal Guards along with a small team of Infantry, Defenders and Engineers roughly six soldiers. We went inside and the new soldiers piloted the ship.

Soon we had taken off and after about a few minutes of this fast space travel we arrived at the planet of Promethea. One thing I noted was the rock formation which shaped a right around the planet. Taking the form a ring.

Image of Promethea:

We entered the planet's atmosphere and I marveled at what I saw

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We entered the planet's atmosphere and I marveled at what I saw. The entire planet was one big  city. In addition, it was night time so everything was lit up beautifully. One of the soldiers flying the ship pointed to a skyscraper which towered high above the rest of the city.

I spoke. "That's where we're heading right now. THAT Atlas HQ." We landed the ship not to far away as one of the soldiers said "Follow me. I will take you to Rhys." I nodded and instructed my Royal Guards along with the team to follow.

We arrived at the entrance to Atlas HQ and went inside. We walked along until we reached an elevator. The Atlas soldier guiding me turned and said "Take this elevator to Rhys' office. I'm sorry but your men will need to stay here."

I shrugged before responding "No problem, you heard him. Remain here." The soldiers saluted me before I entered the elevator and pressed it to go up. It did just that and soon I arrived at the very top.

I assume this was Rhys' office and I had to admit that it was quite fancy. There were giant fish tanks on either side and a path between them. I followed that path until I arrived in the main office proper.

"Ah, you came! Great!" I turned around and saw the same skinny goofball of a man from the hologram. This was HIM, the man who brought Atlas back from the dead. Rhys Strongfork I believe his name was?

Image of Rhys:

I approached his desk while speaking

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I approached his desk while speaking. "So, your Atlas' new CEO? I must say I'm impressed that you could revive a company most believed to be dead. But anyway why did you need to call me out here so suddenly?"

Rhys went on to explain "Um well a while ago I met a guy named Cassius, he recommended you." I seemed surprised "Wait you knew Cassius?" Rhys nodded by seemingly drifted from that. "Anyway, I may have kind of forgot about that recommendation until a few days ago when one of my top guys also recommended you."

I seemed confused "I can understand Cassius maybe saying something before his death. But who was this new person?" Before Rhys could answer I heard a familiar voice saying "Hello Y/N." I turned around and my eyes bulged out of their sockets, not literally. I exclaimed "Zer0?! What are you doing here?"

Image of Zer0:

I stepped closer to my former enemy as Rhys spoke "Yeah, he speaks highly of you and that's why I'd like to offer you a job as GENERAL of my new Atlas army

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I stepped closer to my former enemy as Rhys spoke "Yeah, he speaks highly of you and that's why I'd like to offer you a job as GENERAL of my new Atlas army." I didn't draw my attention from Zer0 but I responded "You know what? You don't have to tell me twice. I'm in."

Rhys exclaimed "SWEET! Now I have two badass former Vault Hunters working for me!" I chuckled a bit and turned back to Zer0. I stuck my hand out and said "So, would you like a fresh start between us?"

Zer0 took it and said "Yes, friends." A red smiley face hologram came up in front of his mask. Was this my chance at redemption? Well it would have been if I hadn't reunited with an old friend who was working for a certain pair of evil twins.

But all that came AFTER we were invaded by another corporation and I would meet the newest band of Vault Hunters. This time on more friendly terms than previous Vault Hunters.

Author's Note: That concludes Chapter 43 and the first chapter of my Borderlands 3 segment. This segment will be split into three parts the first is Promethea. I apologize about yesterday's chapters not being as good, hopefully this was better. I really hope you enjoyed it and as always thank you for reading. I'll try to get the next chapter up tonight.

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