Troublesome Twins

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We arrived at Hogwarts! A group of us Third year girls were walking up to the castle, though out of the corner of my eye I kept seeing Fred looking at me. I decided to look back at him, and as I did so he looked nervous but shot me a wink.

Some Ravenclaw girls and I got settled in, I was sharing a room with Luna, Cho and Lily. I was happy to be with Luna, and Lily was fine, but Cho got on my nerves.

After getting settled in, we headed down to the common room, and I said hello to Will (William, should be a fourth year, but his family was traveling
"on work" last year so he's in our year. Tall handsome, gets into mischief a lot but is rather intelligent)

"Hello girls" said Will

"Hiiii Willll" Lily said with a mesmerized sigh, in awe of Will.

"Cripes women pull yourself together" I whispered to her.

I didn't understand all the attention he got, sure he was good looking, but so are others guys at the school, well...not many in OUR house, but there were other, better looking guys in the school like Malf...uh Cedric, Cedric was charming, though Cho had her eyes him, and the Weasley twins, though other girls did not see them as the "most attractive" guys in the school, they did get a fair amount of attention, especially Fred, though George is more known as "the flirt" while Fred seems to only talk to girls who laugh at his jokes, do pranks and overall are more "fun"

Lily is giggling by Will and seems to be walking to the great hall with him.

Luna is talking to some first years about "nargles"

So, that either leaves walking alone or...with Cho...Alone will do

I started walking to the great hall when I came across a pair of redheads running out of a classroom, and running up from behinds me.

They were laughing, and linked arms with me, one on either side.

I gave them a confused look

"Well hello Lynn" George said

"Yes hello" added Fred

"Uhhh...Fred, George" I said greeting them, with confusion flooding my tone.

They then grabbed me and started running down the hall.

"What are you doin-" i started to shout until I was cut up by Fred putting his hand oven my mouth.

"Hush" Fred said, starting to giggle slightly

I said trying to talk, but it came out as a muffled mumble, as for Fred's hand was still on my mouth

I took his hand off my mouth and rolled my eyes as if to say "well?"

"We are hiding from McGonagall" Fred said

"And Snape" Fred added with a giggle

"What in cripes name did you do to be running from BOTH of them?!?!" I whisper shouted, humor flooding my tone.

"Well" Fred said

"You see..." George added

I turned my head from one twin to the other and crossed my arms giving them an "and....?" look

"We were in the halls you see" George said

"Yes, and we came across the Slytherin common room... and there was this bloody annoying girl, she was talking to Malfoy...." Fred said

"Yes and all WE were doing was walking past the common room when she came up to us and started rambling on about how we were "filthy excuses for purebloods" so... George said, starting to laugh

"So we made a mental note of her, to get her back. Fred said

"Yes, and TODAY we saw her in Potions, and she just left her potion unattended to..." George said

"Well, was busy starting at who I think was Malfoy. So that was our chance, we walked in, and I had Georgy over here go ask Snape so fake question about the OWLS, and I went to her desk and slip some...stuff...into her potion...." Fred said

"Well what did you slip in?!?!?" I asked

"That's the thing" said George

"We really don't know..." Fred said slightly amused

"what in cripes name do you mean "you don't know"??!?!?" I asked

"Well... I just had a handful of pranks and potions in my pocket, so...I sorta just skipped all of them in..." Fred said stepping away from me slightly in fear

"ALL OF THEM! Have you gone absolutely mad?!?!" I asked

They both looked scared and shocked

I took a deep breath...and said "well *sigh* what happened?"

"It...exploded" Fred said putting his hand infringe of his face

I gave him a 'that's all?' look. "Well that's not so ba-"
I was interrupted by Fred

"All over the classroom"

I hit both there arms while saying "!?!?"

They both started laughing while rubbing their arms

I joined in on the laughter, until I had familiar footsteps...

All three of us made eye contact and in unison we said "SNAPE!"

George then shot Fred a look, which Fred hesitantly returned and with that George ran up towards the direction of Snape, while Fred grabbed my hand and pulled me into a closet...

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