Not What it Seems

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But when I entered, to my surprise he was not accompanied by Fred, only Angelina...

There they were, they were laughing and giggling like crazy, she was on the floor with Fred on top of her...

His hands were on the floor by her sides holding himself up.

My heart dropped to my stomach, I felt myself gulp as my face got hot.

"Holy crap" I said in a shuddered breath

Fred then looked up and saw me. I saw his laughing, happy expression change right as he locked eyes with me. He bit his lip and closed his eyes, as if saying "crap"

I quickly started to run off.

"Lynn!" I heard Fred call

But I just kept going down the stairs and went through the first door I saw. I quickly shut the door behind and slowly sat down with my back to the door.

To my luck, when I looked up I saw that arse blonde slytherin.

I cuped my face in my hands and let out a chuckle.

"Lynch, dear god why are you here..." I think he noticed how sad I looked because he stopped talking.

I tried to hide my face from him, as for I didn't need any further humiliation.

"Whatever Malfoy I'll leave" I said starting to stand up.

My plan to hide my face clearly didn't work; as he said "dear god, are you crying" in a disgusted tone.

"No Malfoy, I am actually not crying. I have alittle more dignity then letting myself cry in fort of the daddy's boy."

"Oh let me guess, Weaselbee?"

I didn't reply.

"Oh so I was right, there is trouble in paradise." He said with a sarcastic scoff.

"If you call snogging Angelina behind my back trouble in paradise they sure." I muttered under my breath.

Well to be fair I didn't see then snob but it seemed like it was heading in that direction.

"Wait..what?" Malfoy said, though this time thsre was no sarcasm in his voice.


"Weaselbee cheated on you? Wow... I never thought I would see the day" at first I thought he might have been being genuine but no, he was Malfoy so of course not.

I sniffled "Well, to be fair we weren't dating, and besides I don't know if he really did anything with Angelina."

"What did u see" Malfoy said walking closer to me

I took a deep breath "You know the little hideout in the stairs."

"Well sure the couple spot" he replied

"Ya" I said with a sad chuckle "The couple spot. Well I saw him and her there."

"That doesn't really mean anything" Malfoy replied

"He was on top of her"

"Oh..." Draco said scooting down next to me, it seemed like he was trying his best to sound sympathetic.

Draco and I now both had our backs to the door.

"Yeah" I said

Fred's Pov

"Look, I just can't have those guys knowing that, it's just-" she cut me off, why wouldn't this goddamn women let me finish.

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