Ch.6 A Lost Trust 💔

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Chandrima Got to know that Sartaaj is going to marry Vidha... The One whose Brother is ShamSher ..Bantook Told her (Bantook didn't know that what's the reason to marry Vidha, he just know sartaaj is marrying Vidha) .She Shocked and Didn't Believe that Sartaaj is marrying..
Chandrima :"He Promised me That he will marry me I have seen in her Eyes He Can't
betray me ...he can't lie me.. (Cry)
"No I didn't Believe you Bantook... I will ask Sartaaj I trust him he will never betray me.... She went to Sartaaj's Palace... She is finding Sartaaj everywhere... The Palace Soldiers also Stopped Chandrima but Chandrima didn't Stop... She ran here and there to find Sartaaj...
Later, Sartaaj who is in his room crying got to know that Chandrima came here to meet him.... He Said to soldier(Sorrow voice) :"Go and tell her I will not meet him.... The Soldier went to Chandrima and said Sartaaj's words... She said She will Not go anywhere.... She said "Call Sartaaj I want to meet him once (Crying)
..Soldier's Heart Melt... He went to the prince's(sartaaj)room and said :"Prince, She is till calling you.. Please meet her once.... Sartaaj (Sorrow voice) :"OK call her.... Sartaaj thought if she will meet him she got to know everything... That I am lieing...I Should Control in my emotions..... Soldier went to Chandrima and said Prince is calling you in his Room... Chandrima Smiles... And Running towards his room (She has full trust in him and hope that he loves her)
Chandrima reach Sartaaj's room..
Chandrima(Smile-Sad) :Sartaaj, where were you?? do you know people are lieing me that you are marrying to Vidha...Tell to everyone that It's a false news.... (With Hope that he will say NO)
Sartaaj( Behaving like Rude):No... It's not false news... I'm marrying to Vidha....
Chandrima(HeartBroke):No, Sartaaj You are lieing, You love me.... (cry) You can't do Like this to me....
Sartaaj (Inside cry but outside behaving like rude) :When I said that I love you.... You are having a misunderstanding.... Now clear this misunderstanding and please leave now
Chandrima:Sartaaj you are lieing... I have seen in your eyes that you love me...
Sartaaj :stop it!!! Can't you understand that I don't love you.... It was just a husband -wife know then Why are you.... Making it real... For God sake leave right now.... I don't love you.... Should I give the Statement in written leave..
Chandrima :You Betrayed me.... I will never forgive you... I hate you just hate.... You played with my emotions you have to pay for it..... Remember (Went out of the room)

Here Sartaaj is crying a lot....
"sorry chandrima I don't deserve you "(cry)

Here Chandrima went to his father 's palace....(Crying) " Father I'm sorry.. I hurt you.... I will marry the one whom you choose as my partner..
Chandrasekhar (negative smile) :where were you my chand?? I searched you everywhere.... I couldn't find you.... How are you my chand.....
Chandrima:Sorry father.... I Should obey your... Words.. But I didn't I'm sorry father....
Chandrasekhar :No, chand!! Don't say sorry... Its not your fault I only forced you .. Now you will only choose your life partner....
Chandrima :"no father... It's my mistake to not listen you... Now I will marry the only one whom you will choose...
Chandrasekhar (smile) :Finally You understand..... My chand... I will fixed your marriage with Shamsher.... Her Sister Vidha's Marriage is also taking place... So I have decided that Shamsher and Your Marriage will also take place along with Vidha and Sartaaj 's marriage..... (That means Sartaaj and Vidha, Chandrima and Shamsher are going to Marry together at same place)
"So let's prepares for this Grand wedding..... "Said Chandrasekhar
"Soldiers and slaves start preparation "said Chandrasekhar .....

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Now I will update next part only if previous chapters will complete 100 reads each 😉😉😉

Note :Thank you everyone for your votes... 🙏🙏🙏....Feeling pleasant that you like the story

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