sexy II

84 5 20

Space Alien
I kind of am in the need of help and advice

Oh god
What did you do
PLEASE tell me you made a move on Cads

Space Alien
Well ehm about that
I didn't make a move

What did I tell youuuu
You useless lesbian

No no no
SHE made a move
She kissed me

but what's the problem

Space Alien
Well right after
She just ran away
So I have no idea what to do. And I don't know if this is safe for me. What if she did it because the Plastics are fucking with me. I'm scared dame, I don't wanna get hurt again

Ehm well
Yeah er
Maybe she ran away because she wasn't sure of your response
Maybe it has to do with her being in the spectrum, I read that people like her aren't really good at reading facial expressions

Space Alien
For the first time you're actually making sense
But still, what do I do. I can't just ignore all this. It'll eat me alive.
Tomorrow is Saturday so I can't face her at school.

Didn't I hear that she'd at a party with the Plastics tonight?

Space Alien
Yeah, why

Invite her to sleep over at your house tonight. She probably can't go home rn bc she came back from a party. So she'll be grateful for being invited. Instead of having to go with the Plastics any longer
Plus you get a chance to talk things out. Since I think you two need that

Space Alien
Since when do you make so much sense

Thank you very much

Space Alien
Gotta text Cads now, bye

Janis though for a second. Would this be a great option? What if Cady is actually mad at her. Then again, why would she.

She was the one who kissed Janis. How is she ever going to face Cady now. It'll only make her fall deeper and deeper. This isn't safe for Janis.

But even tho the artistic girl didn't want to admit it, she cares deeply for Cady and wants to stay close to her. She liked the kiss, she really did. But she's scared.

So she decided to text the younger girl.

Space Alien
Pls tell me you're still sober

I'm still what?
Who are you
How are toj talninf to me
Mo onss close tbo me right nos

Space Alien
Oh fuck
Fuckery fuck fuck
Okay Cady, listen to me
I want you to go outside now
There's a dark car standing outside, te lights are on
Please walk to that car

I don't know who you are

Space Alien
That doesn't matter right now okay?

Sureeee, but I wanna talk to janis
Why isn't she here
I have somrthing to tll her
I reallt rsllt like her

Space Alien
Cady, she'll be with you soon
For now I just really need you to go outside and walk over to the car please

Surre shatever

Janis already knew what she signed up for. A drunk person with ADHD and Autism. That's gonna be a task.

But it's for Cady her own safety. She couldn't let her go home in this state, and she was pretty sure that's what the Plastics would do if they found her like this. Well, they wouldn't even give her a ride home, so that's nice.

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