Revenge party II

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Monday morning, the morning literally everyone dreaded. Something we would rather just skip every week. Because every Monday is the same, everyone's tired and just want to go back home. But today, this Monday, this Monday was different.

Today their plan would go in action. Cady would make sure that Regina was going to eat the Kalteen bars, making her gain weight like crazy. Damian Janis and Cady met up 30 minutes before their homeroom would start to talk about the plan for one last time.

Janis and Cady met at the bus stop just like always. They had been doing it ever since Cady her first week. It became a ritual.

Cady would always enter two stops later than Janis, just perfectly timing is so that they would meet. It honestly made Janis feel safer in the small space. The other kids had been mocking Janis less now that Cady was with her. However, they had to be careful. Cady could not be seen with Janis and Damian too often. Because if someone like Shane Oman would tell this to Regina, they were fucked.

"Hey you" Janis smiled, looking up at Cady. Cady smiled back, a little blush creeping up her face. "Hey you"

They had made the decision to not sit next to each other on purpose. It hurt a little but they managed.

"So, do you have the bars?" Janis asks

Cady opens her school bag a little revealing the box of kalteen bars that she had taken from home.

"our plan is gonna work out so well" If janis didn't want to be an artist she could easily play those Villains who are actually really nice. Is that weird?

10 minutes later and they finally arrived at school. 30 minutes early  like they were supposed to. Barely anyone was there yet expect for Damian, patiently sitting in the library.

"there is my favorite couple" he explained with an evil grin plastered on his face.

Both Cady and Janis looked at each other with confusion. And ironically enough, both blushing like crazy.

"w- we-... not- ca-... - janis-.... NO" they stuttered at the same time. This caused Damian to burst into laughter.

"you should have seen your faces, girl this was amazing!" Cady and Janis now colored a bright red. Totally speechless until janis spoke up.

"DAMAIN HUBBARD, THAT WAS NO WHERE NEAR FUNNY" this only caused Damian too laugh more, eventually cracking Janis too. Cady was left quiet. Not fully understanding the situation.

"You see, even Caddie is speechless" pointing at the smaller girl, then wrapping an arm around her.

"i- I don't really understand. Janis and I are not a couple"

"yet" Damian whispers and the three finally sit down on the long table.

Damian was sitting on the one side and Cady and Janis on the opposite side. Of course, Damian noticed that the two were sitting a little too close for just being friends.

"ANYWAY, Cady. Show us the almighty Kalteen bars" Janis changed the subject. Which causes Damian to quietly hum the part from Hamilton "and no don't change the subject"

Cady just grabbed into her backpack and put the box on the table. "these will make Regina gain weight like crazy" she said and it made Janis and Damian laugh evilly. "so, the plan"

Cady spoke up first. "I will go sit with the Plastics"

Janis followed "you wil pretend to eat one of the bars and hopefully Regina will notice"

Damian then jumped in, explaining the plan further. "you will convince Regina that they make you loose weight"

"and tadahhh plan in action" Janis finished and gave an high-five to Damain. She noticed how Cady was being awfully quiet for her bubbly sel.

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